Page 24 of Fierce-Trent
They had a cleaning crew that took care of the common areas, the bathrooms and hallways. Some of the businesses wanted cleaning done by the same crews and were being charged a fee for it and had to schedule it with her. If any more signed up, they might need to expand the crew. She’d let the Fierces know that. Maybe they had staff at their building they could send over too.
A few hours later, she looked up when Drake and Ryder Fierce walked in. Two handsome men that were nice and friendly.
She could appreciate them for being handsome and not think she was attracted to them as she was Trent. Both were married and even if they weren’t, she didn’t think she’d look at them any differently.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen. What brings you to the building today?”
Drake was one of the lead engineers with Chloe Grey for this project. Ryder didn’t have much to do with the building, as he was an architect. But as children of Grant and Garrett, both of these men would inherit the business she was positive.
“We’re meeting our fathers here to go over one of the spaces. Or I am,” Drake said. “Ryder and I were out on a client meet and he decided to come over and check the place out and see the changes.”
“I want to see this community room I’ve been hearing about,” Ryder said.
“It’s just a big old conference room,” she said. She was almost embarrassed over it. Though she was thrilled the idea took, she didn’t think it was all that big of a deal either.
“It’s a gathering place,” Drake said. “Our fathers are all about that and you know it.”
“I do,” she said. “How is Jade doing?”
Jade Fierce-James was due to have her second child soon. Jade’s twin, Wyatt’s wife was due at the same time with their second son, but she didn’t know Wyatt other than by his name.
“She got pulled out of work this week. She still has two weeks to go. She and Adriana too. Though Adriana was pulled two weeks ago. I think her C-section is scheduled, but Jade is going when Ainsley is ready.”
“That’s a pretty name,” she said.
“Brock thought of it. At least that is what he’s telling everyone,” Ryder said.
“What about your other new nephew that is coming? Any name there yet?” she asked.
Both Drake and Ryder started to laugh. “Nate the Great,” Drake said. “Typical of Wyatt.”
“I’m going to assume Nate is short for Nathaniel or Nathan?” she said.
“Nathan,” Drake said.
“But Wyatt will call him Nate The Great for a long time, I’m sure,” Ryder said.
“That might give his older brother a complex,” she said, grinning.
“I’ll be sure to tell Wyatt that,” Drake said. “And how is your little boy doing? Eli, correct?”
“He’s wonderful,” she said. She knew her eyes softened. They always did when she talked about her son. He was her everything. “They grow so fast as I’m sure you know. Let me see. Ryder has Tommy and Riley. Tommy has to be around twelve maybe? And Riley over one, right?”
“Good memory,” Ryder said. “Tommy just turned twelve in April, Riley is eighteen months.”
“And Drake has Owen and Olivia. They will be two next month along with their cousins, Drew and Zoe?”
“Wow,” Drake said. “You’re good.”
“She is good,” Grant said, walking in with Garrett behind him. “I’m sure if you quiz her she’d be able to tell you all the kids' names and close to their ages.”
She felt her face blush. “I can tell you all the people’s spouses too. I’ve got a flowchart.”
“A flowchart?” Ryder asked, smirking. “I guess that works.”
“You’ve got a big family and I like to know who is who. Not to mention your fathers and mothers are always in here bragging about their children and grandchildren.”
“That’s more like it,” Drake said. “But we are all awesome so it stands to reason.”