Page 63 of Fierce-Trent
She held her words back. No reason to say anything when there weren’t any fathers on the trips so far or in the classrooms. She’d seen them in the school but not many.
“Your father is busy at times, but I’m always around and you know it.”
“Cuz you’re the best, Mom.”
She loved when her son said those words without being prompted.
“And you’re the best son there is. Are you sure you’re okay going to my office for a few hours?”
“I like going there,” Eli said. “It’s fun.”
“You didn’t think it was fun before,” she said. She hadn’t had Eli there since the day he ran into Trent.
Though she and Trent had been dating for about six weeks at this point, she was in no way considering letting Trent into Eli’s life as her boyfriend.
Her parents and Jax knew and that was it as far as she was aware.
Trent never said much about his parents and she didn’t ask. She didn’t even think Janine was aware and she was fine with that.
Since she hadn’t seriously dated in close to a decade, she wasn’t ready to let too many people in on it after this short of time.
It was working for her and Trent and that was all that mattered.
Slow was the name of the game, and between his job and her schedule with Eli, they saw each other at work for a quick hi or conversation daily and then talked or texted at night, plus had one to two dates a week.
Not even sex one to two times a week. It depended on if they went out to eat and back home separately or not.
Roni parked at the building and she and Eli got out. He had his bag with him and schoolwork she was going to make sure he completed before they got home.
“What time can we go trick or treating?” Eli asked. “I’m so excited and Jimmy and Tyler are too. It’s Jimmy’s first year, but not Tyler’s.”
“I believe we are going to start at six. I spoke with both Jimmy and Tyler’s mothers. We are meeting in the parking lot and then we’ll go from there. That gives us time to get home and have dinner.”
“Then candy,” Eli said.
“You’re not having much tonight. Maybe a piece or two when we are home but not before,” she said. “There is something for you in my office though.”
“What?” Eli asked, running in front of her and jumping around in the hallway.
“Hi, Roni.”
She turned and saw Janine coming down the stairs. “Hi, Janine.”
“I was just coming to see you,” Janine said.
“Oh,” she said. “Is there a problem?”
“Nothing major, but I’ve been sitting at my desk all day and needed to stretch my legs some. It’s easier that way and an excuse to get out and take care of something.”
She unlocked her door and let Eli run in, then Janine followed. “Eli, start your homework, please.”
Eli let out a large sigh. “Fine,” Eli said, flopping down in the chair off to the side. “But you said you had something for me.”
“I do. You’ll get it in a minute.”
Janine smiled at her. “I remember those days. My boys were the same. I still have to twist their arms to do their schoolwork when they’d rather be doing something else.”
“You mean it won’t get any better?” she asked.