Page 73 of Fierce-Trent
Not what he wanted to hear. “That doesn’t mean you have to continue to do it on your own,” he said.
“I get it. I do,” he said, holding his hand up. “Now that you know what is going on, we need to talk about the next step.”
“What could be the next step? Telling everyone? I’m not ready for Eli to know.”
“Because if Eli knows, Jeff knows?” he asked.
“There is that,” she said. “That isn’t as big of a concern to me. Jeff is seeing someone. He’s done it before. What I don’t want to do is bring someone into Eli’s life only to have him gone at some point.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said.
“Six weeks, Trent. No one knows what is going to happen after six weeks and don’t try to say otherwise.”
He wouldn’t. Nor would he say that if the Fierces put them together, they had a better shot. That might just tick her off.
“You’re right,” he conceded. “My suggestion is that we don’t say anything to anyone else.”
“I thought you wanted to tell your siblings,” she said.
“I do. I will if you’re okay with it. I can trust them.”
“That’s your choice,” she said.
“My choice is to tell them. I don’t want to let my parents know just yet. My mother will let Diane and Carolyn know. I’d rather let the Fierces work a little harder. No reason to make them think this was easy.”
“They haven’t done anything,” she said.
“Exactly. Don’t you think they should work for it more? They are going to brag it was all them even though we know it’s not. Give them something to at least be proud of.”
She finally grinned. “I suppose. I’m not sure what that is going to be though.”
“We can play it out,” he said. “I’m not planning to the point that I know their every move. But now that you know what they are doing, you can play with them a bit if you want.”
“Play how?” she asked. “That isn’t who I am.”
“I know. I’m not telling you to be someone you’re not. Just saying we know the truth but have fun with it. We can play it by ear on how long we want to do this.”
“I guess it’s not a bad thing,” she said. “And since my parents and Jax know, they want to meet you.”
“I have no problem with that,” he said. “You don’t have Eli this weekend. Do you want to try to plan it then?”
“I can if you’re willing,” she said.
“I am willing, but if you think it’s too soon you can tell me that too.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Good. Then let me know when is a good time and I’ll be there.”
They finished their dinner after that and he helped her clean up.
They barely had the last dish put away when her cell phone rang. “It’s Eli. This is earlier than normal.”
“I’ll be quiet,” he said. If he didn’t want to do that and would rather say hi to the kid, he kept that information to himself.
He liked kids. He liked Eli. He’d like to be able to spend time with both of them.