Page 78 of Fierce-Trent
“It doesn’t matter. It was out of her control and no one’s business. All I did was tell Anna Wilkson to find someone else to pick on,” Jax said.
“And Anna came back with Jax had a crush on Bethany. That he loved chubby girls.”
Trent raised his eyebrows. “That makes things sticky.”
“Roni comes marching over and stands next to me and says, ‘You’re just jealous because you like Jax and he won’t give you the time of day so you’re trying to embarrass him. It won’t work. Everyone can see what you’re doing.’”
“Did she have a crush on Jax?” he asked.
“I didn’t know at that point. I took a guess.”
“It was a good guess,” Jax said. “Because Anna started to deny it so much that all her friends were laughing at her and saying it was true. The next we know Anna is storming off in a huff and they left Bethany alone after that.”
“Good for you,” Trent said. “I’ve seen before how diplomatic Roni is when the time calls for it.”
“You mean by not saying what she feels or is thinking to Jeff?” Jax asked.
“Can we not talk about my ex, please?” she asked. “It’s in poor taste.”
“Roni is right, Jax,” her father said. “She is handling things the way she knows how and it’s working for her.”
“What do you think of the way she is handling things, Trent?” Jax asked.
She couldn’t believe Jax just did that. Put Trent on the spot.
Trent looked at her. “It’s not my place to get in the middle. I think Roni is a wonderful mother who will always do what she feels is right for Eli. If that means biting her tongue, she’ll do it. I think every decision in her life is thought out so that nothing affects Eli in the long run. I know that and commend her for it. I wish half the separated couples put their children first when talking rather than airing out dirty laundry for all to see.”
“Well said,” her mother said. “And Jax knows better. So the only reason he asked that is a test of sorts. Did Trent pass it?”
She looked at her brother and narrowed her eyes. It hadn’t occurred to her that he’d do that. “He did,” Jax said. “And we can drop it now.”
“Dinner will be done shortly,” her mother said. “I’ve got a lasagna in the oven. Roni said you like Italian, Trent.”
“I do,” he said. “I’m not too fussy with food. Roni is a good cook. I’m just happy she lets me cook for her now and again.”
“You cook for my daughter?” her father asked. “She doesn’t normally let anyone do anything for her.”
“Not without twisting her arm,” Jax said.
“It’s dinner,” she said. Roni didn’t think this night would be about embarrassing her. “It’s not like he’s fixing my car or mowing my grass.”
“But I’d do those things if I saw her struggling,” Trent said. “Whether she wanted me to or not. It’s no different than if I saw my neighbor outside struggling with something, I’d offer to help.”
“You mean if your neighbor was a woman?” she asked.
“Actually, no,” he said. “When I was a kid my parents’ neighbor was outside one day mowing the lawn. He was sweating like a pig and coughing. He was probably in his thirties. He didn’t look right. I went over and said I’d finish it for him and maybe he should go in the house where it was cooler.”
“Really?” Jax asked. “What did he say?”
“He hesitated a second and then said yes. I finished his lawn for him and went back to what I was doing. A few days later he came over and thanked me.”
She wasn’t surprised to hear this. “Did he say what was wrong that day? Was he sick?”
“No clue,” he said. “I was fifteen. I didn’t ask. He didn’t offer. I just remember thinking I hoped he didn’t croak because I didn’t know CPR. He could have been hungover for all I knew.”
Everyone laughed. “See, Roni. It’s not just you that Trent would help. So don’t be so stubborn if he does it.”
She supposed she was being ganged up on and it was best to just drop it.