Page 81 of Fierce-Trent
“I would have recommended that too. If there was no abuse and it was just you two couldn’t get along but Eli’s care and welfare were good, it’s best to do that until you get to family court.”
“Which is what I did. I had to leave; Jeff kept that apartment. He got an attorney that day. His parents were livid and I know they paid for it all. I’m sure they are still paying for it.”
“You have no relationship with Jeff’s parents?” he asked.
“It’s not a horrible one. They liked me early on. They weren’t happy when I didn’t want to get married but accepted it. When I left Jeff is when things got bad. Over the years though, we are cordial to each other. Just like my parents are to Jeff. Sometimes I’ve got to get Eli at their house and Jeff saw my parents all the time until recently.”
“That’s good then,” he said. “For Eli’s sake.”
“It’s always for Eli’s sake,” she said. “Just as you said. And I appreciate you saying what you had.”
“I said a lot of things,” he said.
“The part about doing it for Eli. Always putting him first. I am and do.”
“But you need to put yourself first too, Roni.”
“That is the hard part,” she said.
“I can understand that.”
“I’m going to try to do it,” she said. “Starting tonight.” She stood up and put her hand out. “I want you to come to my room with me and I’d like you to spend the night. Though I realize you don’t have clothes with you.”
“It’s fine,” he said. “I’ll go home early and shower and change. I’d like to stay with you tonight. Are you sure?”
“I am,” she said. “I realize that now. There is something about you that makes me realize things in my life that I haven’t been able to figure out prior.”
“You could have or can do it when you’re ready for it,” he said. “Let’s stop talking for now. For the night.”
“We can do that,” she said. They walked to her room, her shutting the door. “I want to do something fun.”
“Anything we do in here is fun,” he said.
“I can ask you anything, right?”
“Always,” he said. He was reaching for her shirt and pulling it up over her head. She did the same to him.
“I want to bring my toy out. I’ve never done that before. No one even knows I’ve got it.”
“Nobody?” he said. His heart was racing. He had to say he’d never been with a woman before and used a vibrator. He wasn’t sure how this was going to work out or how he’d feel.
“Nope,” she said. “I don’t have a lot of close friends. I wouldn’t tell my mother. I only bought it a few years ago because I’d heard some women talking at work. I was terrified to order it thinking my mother might know what it was when the box came. Or might open it instead.”
“That could be embarrassing,” he said, grinning.
“I made sure I was home the day it was delivered so no one could get it but me.”
“Let me see it,” he said. “Don’t keep me in suspense.”
She giggled a little, then moved over to her closet and walked in.
He followed because he wanted to see where this was.
She pulled a shoebox off the top shelf and lifted out the shoe and then a light blue long plastic vibrator. Yeah, it was big. Thankfully she’d said she didn’t put it in her.
No way. She was tight when they’d had sex the first few times. If she used that regularly it wouldn’t have been the case.
“You look a little nervous now,” she said, laughing at him. “I’m not going to use it on you, but if you don’t want to use it at all, then we can put it away.”