Page 84 of Fierce-Trent
She’d been hearing this more and more but tried not to ask too many questions. She couldn’t help herself today. “Are Jenna and Carly going to be there for Thanksgiving?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “I think Carly is with her father so maybe just Jenna.”
“Do you like Jenna?” she asked.
“She’s okay. She’s nice. I mean she’s fun and sometimes she wants to play games with me, but Dad always says to have me watch Carly and let the two of them have time together.”
She ground her teeth. She didn’t want to judge the woman based on what her son was saying. If it was bad, Eli would tell her, she believed.
What she didn’t expect though when she pulled into Jeff’s parents’ house was that no cars were there yet. Not even Jeff’s.
She and Eli got out of the car and went to the door, rang the bell twice and finally it was opened by Joe.
“Roni, Eli. What are you doing here?”
“Jeff said to bring Eli here for Thanksgiving. He told me this last weekend when I dropped Eli off. Did plans change?”
“Oh,” Joe said. “Margie is sick. She’s got the stomach bug. She’s had it since yesterday morning. No one wanted to get it and Jeff decided to go out of town with Jenna. I told him to call and tell you not to bring Eli.”
“Well, he didn’t,” she said. Which wasn’t like Jeff at all. “I’ll just take Eli back home. I hope Margie feels better.”
“Thanks, Roni,” Joe said. “Sorry that you had to drive here for nothing. I suppose I should have reached out to verify you knew.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she said. “It’s fine.”
“Sorry, buddy,” Joe said to Eli. “Have fun with your mom today.”
“Bye, Grandpa,” Eli said and they went back to her car. She was going to find out what was going on and why this happened and she was going to document it too.
Guess it was a good thing she hadn’t made plans to have the holiday dinner with Trent. She would have hated to have to cancel on him for this.
When she got back to her parents’, they were just as surprised and wanted to know what happened.
She told them and wasn’t shocked that her mother got mad. “You need—”
“Not now,” she said. “We are all just happy that Eli is spending the day with us.”
“That’s right,” Jax said. “How about some games on my phone?”
“Yes,” Eli said and did a fist pump. Jax took him into the other room and Roni stayed in the kitchen with her mother.
“I can’t believe he did that,” her mother said.
“Me neither. He’s never done it before so maybe it was an honest mistake.”
“I doubt it,” her mother said. “Are you going to call and find out?”
“I’m not sure what to do,” she said. “It was only going to be for six hours. So I wasted an hour of time driving there and back, but who cares? Eli is here and he wasn’t exposed to germs.”
“What if Joe and Margie weren’t there though?” her mother asked.
“Then I would have brought Eli home just as I had.”
“Maybe call Trent and see what he thinks you should do.”
She didn’t know why her mother was pushing this. “I’m not going to bug him on a holiday when he’s with his family.”
Family that still didn’t know about her. He said he hadn’t had a chance to see them and wanted to tell them in person and was hoping he’d get a shot today when his parents were in the kitchen together.