Page 14 of Treasuring Michael
“Do you have any questions I can answer?” I ask as I pull out of the driveway and onto the street. The drive to the club will take about twenty minutes in the opposite direction of my hotel, so we have some time to talk.
“Umm … yeah. Where do you guys live?”
“Canada?” he asks incredulously.
“Yes, Canada. That’s where Abel and Savage chose. Quin and I just wanted to go with our family, so we went too. It’s great there, honestly. We all love it.”
“I want to go to Canada one day,” Damon says wistfully. “My mother was flying to Canada when … she died … in a plane crash.”
Damn, that has to suck. Having a family member taken from you in an accident that horrible is rough. “I’m sorry to hear about your mom.”
He sends a small smile my way that I catch since we’re sitting at a red light. “Thank you. It’s been seventeen years, but it still hurts.”
“I’ll take you,” I say when I drive at the green light.
“To see Abel?” he asks excitedly, and I feel my heart squeeze. I was thinking I could take him to show him around, so he could be with me, but I can see why he would ask about Abel. That’s his best friend. Doesn’t stop my feelings from being a little hurt..
Pushing the sting away, I smile over at him. “Yeah, sure. Whenever you want.”
“Thank you, Michael.”
We spend the rest of the ride in silence. I hoped Damon would have more questions for me, but I guess he’s saving them up for Abel.
Pulling into a parking lot across from the club, I turn to Damon. “You gonna be safe in there?”
He gives me a sad smile and nods. “Yeah. I’ll be with my stepbrother. He’ll make sure no one bothers me.” I raise an eyebrow at his tone. He sounds exasperated and a little fearful. He doesn’t look at me when he says it, so I’m not sure of his expression.
“Can you text me when you get home, please?” I have no right to ask, as Damon and I are not friends. Not even acquaintances. But I want to make sure he’s really safe.
Damon meets my eyes and gives me another penetrating gaze. “Um … yeah. Yes. I’ll text you.”
Before he gets out of the car, I grab his hand. When he turns to me with a quizzical expression, I let my eyes rake over his body. He has on a pair of fitted black jeans and an almost baggy royal blue shirt. He looks absolutely stunning to me. “You look good tonight, Damon,” I mutter, running my thumb over the back of his hand.
I hear Damon’s breath catch and he nods before exiting the car. I watch him hurriedly walk across the street, straight up to the bouncer and is granted entry into the club. Sighing, I put the car in drive and turn in the direction of the hotel.
Where I’ll wait for Damon’s text.
Chapter 8
Theclubwasn’tthatbad last night. Conrad didn’t have time to give me shit because the girl he brought with him kept his attention. I think he might have wanted to impress her, because when she told him to stop making me fetch them drinks, he did and let me leave the VIP section where he was sitting. I thought I saw Michael by the emergency exit, but when I moved around the people crowding the bar, the man I thought was him was gone.
I spend most of the morning yawning, upset that Conrad made me go out with him. From an outside perspective, it would be easy to say I should have told him no, tell him I had work and couldn’t go out, but Conrad isn’t one you say no to. I might have gotten away with it with Fallon, but he’s a sneaky son of a bitch too. Conrad probably would have called in the middle of the night to pick him up, then have me take him and his friends to a diner for a meal before we went home. Which would have taken at least three hours. So, I would have been out anyway.
God, I hate my family. I didn’t use to. I thought, maybe it’s because I’m not blood related. That after a few years, after they got used to me, they would see me differently. I thought, eventually, they’d love me. The last person—besides Abel—to love me unconditionally was my mother. I haven’t had a decent hug, conversation, or had the feeling that someone wanted something more with me in years.
Besides Michael.
I shiver at that thought. Michael frightens me as much as he makes me a bundle of nerves. I feel … unsettled around him. My fear is unfounded, so taking its place is interest. That frightens me even more.
Pulling my phone out, I open the video from Abel that Michael sent me shortly after I went inside the club. When I had snuck off to the bar, I watched it again. I couldn’t hear the words, but seeing Abel’s mouth moving, telling me he missed me, and he loved me was enough.
Now, I play it again, listening to what he says more carefully. I feel my face heat when he says Michael likes dogs. I didn’t catch it the first time, but now, my mind is running away with me. God, why does Michael have to be so freaking scary?
“Reed.” I jump when I hear my name called from the other side of the office. My boss beckons me and nervously, I head to his office. I’m not sure what I did, and I think back over my projects to see what could have possibly gone wrong.