Page 26 of Treasuring Michael
“You’ll take one with me?” He pulls his glasses up to rub his eyes and I think he’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.
“If that’s what you want.”
“I take it back; your muscles do make a good pillow.”
“Good,” I say before I kiss him quickly. Damon moans and melts into me. Thankfully, we’re at our destination, so I can get him upstairs and we can have some privacy.
I’m sure things won’t go further than kissing though. If I had to guess, Damon is a virgin. I doubt he had sex with someone and didn’t kiss them. He’s so innocent, I’m almost sure he’s done nothing past kissing. And his first kiss was with me.
Damon gets the key from the guy sitting behind the desk of the apartment lobby and we head upstairs to the second floor. I make sure to check all the exits and locate the stairwell before we open the apartment door. When Damon steps inside, I hold up a hand and position him beside the door. I shut and lock it then move him to stand in front of it.
He gives me a questioning look, but I shake my head. On silent feet, I make my way through the apartment, checking all the doors and windows, locking the one I find unlocked. When I’m certain it’s all clear, I walk back over to him and, on a whim, pick him up and press his back to the door.
After a shocked yelp, he laughs, wrapping his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. “Were you doing, like, a perimeter search?”
I nuzzle into his neck, breathing in his natural scent. “Old habit.”
“I like it. Makes me feel important,” he says huskily.
Pulling back from him, I frame his face and kiss him gently. “You are important. Nothing will happen to you while I’m around.”
I watch the blush bloom across his cheeks, and I absolutely love it.
It still hasn’t sunk in that I have Damon in my arms. I think it’ll take a while for me to think this isn’t a dream. I feel his warm weight against me and know no dream could feel this good. After three years of waiting and fantasizing, the reality feels better than I imagined.
He wiggles in my arms and I set him on his feet. Grabbing his suitcase handle, Damon drags it into the master bedroom and sits on the bed. He runs his hand over the blanket and gazes around the room, pushing his glasses up on his nose. I lean against the door frame and watch him, taking in the wonder in his expression.
Looking over at me, he slides back until his back hits the pillow. Then he pats the bed beside him. I take off my shoes and crawl into bed with him. I raise my arm and he lays his head on my chest. Sighing, Damon throws a leg over me, then moves it quickly.
“Sorry. That was … presumptuous.”
Reaching down, I drag his leg back over my lap. “Always presume with me, Damon. I’ll never tell you no.”
“Who’s Evan?” he asks randomly.
What? “Why do you ask that?”
“You told me that was your name in the restroom at the ball. Then the pilot called you Evan. Is that … you now?”
I nod and kiss the top of his head. “Yep. We changed our names before we left. We’d already decided we didn’t want to be in California anymore, so we were getting prepared.”
“What’s Abel’s name?”
Chuckling, I pull Damon’s leg higher on me. “Noah. Ask him the story behind it. It’s … cute.”
Damon looks up at me, scrunching his nose. “His name change is cute?”
“Yeah. You’ll see.”
He opens his mouth to say something, but a yawn escapes instead.
“Come on,” I tell him. “Let’s get you down for a nap.”
“Let me take off these jeans,” Damon says in a scornful tone that surprises me. I’m used to him sounding shy, unsure, and sometimes confident, but never this irritated tone. I wonder about it, but I decide to ask him when he’s finished with his nap.
While he takes his bag to the bathroom, I walk back to the entryway to grab mine. I put on some sleep pants and take my bag into the second room. Damon and I never discussed sharing a room and I don’t want to assume.
All changed and with my things settled, I go back to the main room just as Damon is coming out in a pair of … shorts. Short shorts. His legs are on display, more toned and muscular than I would have thought. His shirt barely covers his torso, a strip of skin showing as he every time he moves. I can’t stop looking at him.