Page 49 of Treasuring Michael
“I was going to tell Abel I wanted you.”
“Yeah?” I ask, excited that I wasn’t the only one thinking and pining.
“Yeah. Then things went down, and we had to move fast.” He sighs, pushing his fingers through his hair. “I was going to ask Abel that weekend while we were at the penthouse we were going to visit.” Michael drags me to his lap, and I wrap my legs around him, our half hard cocks brushing against each other. “I didn’t think I’d see you again. When I saw you in that bathroom … Man. It was like Christmas. I’m glad you took a chance to listen to me, get to know me. I’m glad we’re here.”
“Me too, Michael.”
We kiss and I think, yes, this was better than being with him three years ago. This … is everything.
Chapter 16
Onmylastdayworking at the new Velli Corp, I find I don’t want to leave. These people made me feel so welcome and they have been so kind. It still blows my mind that they came up to me repeatedly after our scheduled training classes to ask me questions and really listened.
After I give my last class, I actually get a legit standing ovation. I didn’t think people clapped, much less stand to clap for a class on training manuals. I’m sure my face was a flaming mess, but I gave a nod and did a weird kind of bow to Brenda when she claps with everyone else.
She’s been so good to me while I was here, helping me get my notes in order and asking me questions at the beginning of every class to pull me out of the shell I put back up every morning. She was really good at that, and I owe her a lot.
Not as much as I owe Michael.
God, that man. Instead of getting fed up and tired of me retreating back into myself whenever I talked to James or tell him something about my stepsiblings, he’s patient with me. He would gently coax me out of my slump, and I felt like I was getting stronger every time it happened.
Brenda walks up to me, breaking me out of my thoughts of my Greek god that’s waiting for me. “Thank you for everything, Damon. Please come back and visit sometime. Say in another year or so? I’d like to show you what we accomplished because of your help. Here,” she says, handing me her card. “Give me a call anytime. Or you can come work with me, and we could grow this company by leaps and bounds.” She winks at me and walks away, allowing the other employees to swarm me with their kind words and praise.
It warms my heart that everyone thinks so highly of me. Their compliments make my head all fuzzy and even that annoying part inside of me can’t talk me out of believing them. Even James’s bullshit can’t dampen my spirit while the people of this class have been complimenting my teaching skills and knowledge.
And while it was great to be here with people that appreciate me and with a boss that actually wants me to work with her, I won’t be moving here or staying in California. I’ll be going home with Michael.
Canada will be my home and Velli Corp isn’t there. The good thing is, if I can get a work visa before I become a permanent citizen, I can start over. I can be the man I’ve always wanted to be while learning who I am.
Before I leave, one of the guys that was very eager while I was teaching grabs my arm. I turn around, a little nervous that he has a few questions that I didn’t answer during class.
Boy, am I wrong.
“Hey, Mr. Reed—”
“Damon,” I correct. I asked everyone to call me Damon after our first class, but most people have stuck to calling me Mr. Reed. It’s not as flattering as I thought it would be. It makes me feel old, since most of the employees here were hired right out of college. They can’t be more than two years younger than me.
He nods, smiling widely at me. “Right. Damon. I’m Luke. Are you leaving town tonight?”
“Um …”
“I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink with me. You know, a thanks for all of your help.”
I nod, a little nervous, but wanting to put myself out there one more time. “Yeah, sure. Who else is going? Is this like a weekend thing?”
Luke chuckles lightly, then steps closer to me. “No, I mean, would you like to go out withme? For a drink, then we can go back to mine and …”
Oh hell. He’s asking me out? What a turn of events from what would have happened two weeks ago. As in, two weeks ago that wouldn’t have happened. I would have been a wallflower, pasted to the back, hoping no one noticed me. Now, I’m standing in front of a class full of people, teaching them how things at Velli Corp work.
Smiling despite myself, I drop my head and laugh, rubbing the bridge of my nose where my glasses would usually be. “Umm … I’m sorry Luke. I … uh … I have a boyfriend.”
“Dammit,” he says with a laugh. “I’ve been working up the courage for two weeks, just to find out you’re taken. I should have known someone as smart and handsome as you wouldn’t be single. Here, let me walk you out.”
I thought it would be awkward after I turned him down, but he’s smiling and talking to me about what he hopes to do in the future. He wants to do what I did, moving from his company to another to teach. I’m not sure if there will be another large buy like Velli Corp in California did, but I wish him the best.
When we step outside, I see Michael leaning against the car parked against the curb and I can’t stop the goofy smile that spreads across my face. He smiles back, waving a little then starts towards me.