Page 60 of Treasuring Michael
He gulps. “Do I need that?”
“Maybe,” I answer him honestly. “We don’t know if whoever came after you wants to finish the job. How were you found?”
Brent tries to smile, but he winces instead, touching his fat lip. “One of my volunteers saw my car in the parking lot while he and a few friends were on their way to dinner. He thought he’d check on me, to see if I wanted a to-go plate. Had they not shown up …” He trails off, shaking his head and running a trembling hand through his hair.
“Are you okay?” I ask, no longer in character as a detective, but as myself—a concerned older brother.
The laugh Brent huffs sounds like it hurts, both physically and mentally. “I don’t think I’ll be okay for a while. If this is tied to my campaign … I might not run. Whoever did this could come after my family. I’ll do anything to keep them safe, even giving up on my dream.”
He has nothing to worry about. Whoever did this to him will be buried. I will stop at nothing to make them pay. I got rid of an assassin with my bare hands—and a necktie, thanks to Quin’s suggestion—so I can dispatch two people who can’t even finish the job they started.
My career with Savage trained me well.
Cocking my head to the side, I ask, “Is that what you want?”
He sighs again. “No. But I have to protect my family. If it was a random attack, I’ll stay in the race and continue to campaign, but if it was because of the race for senate, I’m out.”
Could his running for senate have anything to do with his attack? From my perspective, it can. He doesn’t know it, but a hit man—a skilled one based on what Quin was able to dig up—was sent after him. Then he’s attacked outside of his campaign headquarters? It has to be connected.
“Why do you think they’re connected?” I ask, wanting to see what he’s thinking.
“For a while, I was getting these ominous letters, saying that I need to give up my senate aspirations, but they dried up about three months ago. It was only a few and they didn’t say anything threatening, but my campaign manager said I might have an enemy.”
That’s news. He must not have reported those to the authorities.
Nodding, I stand up and say, “That’s a great start, Mr. Montgomery. Be sure to mention that to my colleagues when they interview you. They’ll be able to follow up on that.” Reaching out for his hand, I add, “It was a pleasure speaking to you, but I wish it were under different circumstances.” He meets my hand in a firm shake.
If I weren’t such a coward, I would have met him years ago. Maybe I could have made sure this didn’t happen.
Shaking my brother’s hand is a novel experience, but it’s one that I will remember for the rest of my life. Touching my brother for the first and only time and he doesn’t even know who I am.
When he drops my hand, I step back slowly, looking at him a moment more before I spin on my heels and exit the room.
Before I head to the elevator, I stop by the security guard, who’s slouching against the wall. “This man was just beaten badly enough that he had to have surgery and you’re not doing your fucking job,” I say through clenched teeth.
He stands up straight, face turning red. “I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“Yeah, you’re right you didn’t. You didn’t check my credentials to see if I was really an officer or ask what my business was with him. You did nothing.”
My tone must frighten him because he flinches back from me. “Okay, I get it. I’ll … I’ll do better. I’m sorry, officer.”
Scoffing, I glare at him before I walk away. Pulling out my phone, I call Quin. It’s late where he is, but he’ll answer. I’ll have to apologize to Red for asking him to work when he’s supposed to be asleep.
He answers on the first ring. “How did it go?”
I give him the rundown on everything Brent told me, keeping my voice low so I’m not overheard. When I finish I say, “I need you to find some guys to put on Brent’s room. The hospital security is shit.”
“Already done,” Quin says. “They should be there in five minutes.”
I sit in my car on the phone with Quin until I see three men dressed in black suits walk inside. Quin tells me to hold and I hear him making another call. One of the men in black suits answers the phone and I know they’re the ones that are here for my brother.
Feeling better about leaving him, I thank Quin and drive away from the hospital.
Then I call Damon. “Can I still come by?” I ask when he answers the phone.
“Of course. I’ll be waiting by the window.”
We hang up and I breathe easier. There are people there to protect Brent and now I can go back to my man, so I can hold him in my arms.