Page 77 of Treasuring Michael
Michael grins, leaning forward to kiss me. “Your fault for letting Abel throw you a party.”
“I haven’t seen him for the past few birthdays. Let him have his fun. We have all night, since Quin and Red are going to Red’s brother’s house tonight.”
An empty house would be perfect. I have some new lingerie that Red, Abel, and I picked out a few weeks ago. Yeah, it’s my birthday, but a great present is seeing the look of desire on Michael’s face when I step out of our bathroom with the lace jockstrap and sheer camisole.
His salacious smile has my dick taking notice, twitching against his thigh. “Can’t wait. Come on,” he says, rolling away from me. “Hop in the shower while I change the sheets. I’ll join you shortly.”
I hop off the bed, kissing Michael on the back as I head out. God, it’s so crazy that I have all this now. A man, a nice house, a new life, a great business and good friends.
The waterfall shower feels amazing, beating over my body and relaxing me. Michael’s strong arms around me relax me further and I melt against him. He kisses me gently on the neck, then gets my wash cloth ready, rubbing it over my belly where I came all over myself.
“We have thirty minutes before we have to be at Abel and Savage’s. Need me to help with your hair?”
Since that very first time he did my braids, Michael has been jumping at the chance to do more. And he’s gotten so much better.
“Nah, I’ll wear a ponytail.” My hair has gotten so much longer. I think about cutting it sometimes, but when I get it tamed, I really love it. Especially when it’s in a ponytail and the curls pop just right.
We don’t get handsy while in the shower, namely because Abel would give us hell for being late. He has to be the most punctual person I know. I’m not in the mood to hear his tantrums on my birthday.
Abel and I have gotten closer since I’ve been here and Red is included in that. I never thought I’d find it easy to make a friend as quickly as I did with Abel, but that’s what happened with Red. He’s such a good guy. After hearing his story, I love that he got to reconnect with his brother, despite the crap he went through when they were kids.
We’re a big family here and I couldn’t ask for more.
Well, I would love to be married to Michael. It’s not necessary, since I know neither of us wants anyone else. But I think him claiming me like that will make me feel like I really have it all.
Sometimes, I get those moments where that weird part inside of me tells me I deserve nothing and I am nothing. That annoying, hurt part of me has been beaten down and almost destroyed over the past year, but it’s still hanging on, the voices of James, Conrad, and Fallon coming at me when I least expect them.
I’ve been seeing the therapist that Michael set me up with and it’s been really helpful. I’m able to push the voices away sometimes and not believe them, but some days are worse than others. For the most part, I believe when Michael, Abel or the rest of my family say I’m wonderful and that they love me.
After we get out of the shower and I do my hair and makeup, we get dressed to head to Abel’s house. I told him I want to share my first birthday with my new family alone and not worry about the hustle and bustle of a restaurant or nightclub or something. Though Abel, Red, and I do plan to visit a nightclub soon. And of course our overprotective men will be in tow.
Since Michael has a key to Savage and Abel’s house, he only knocks twice before he slides it in the lock and lets us in.
Abel hurries out of the kitchen giving me a long hug. “Hey. Happy birthday! God, you’re old.”
I playfully hit his arm, making him laugh. Abel is three months older than me, so I don’t know what he’s talking about.
From the couch, Red says, “I didn’t think you two were going to show up. I heard no signs of slowing down when we left.”
My cheeks heat. I don’t try to be loud, but Michael makes it impossible for me to keep quiet. I don’t want to move out, but avoiding Quin and Red hearing us having sex is the only reason I would.
“Don’t tease him,” Michael says to Red, throwing one of Pogo’s chew toys at him. Red dodges it, then makes a face when he realizes it’s probably covered with Pogo slobber. “Let me go wash my hands,” he says, kissing me on the cheek before he walks away.
I sit on the couch beside Red and put my head on his shoulder. “Were we really that loud?”
“Nah. I’m just messing with you. I’m pretty sure Quin and I are louder. My Daddy and his monster—”
“Hey!” I practically shout, putting my hands over my ears. I’d rather not hear about what Quin is or isn’t packing. I hear enough with Red shouting Daddy at the top of his lungs when they’re in bed.
Red laughs, moving my hands from my ears. “I’m done, I promise.” I give him a grateful look, making him laugh harder.
Abel comes over and lays across our laps, dramatically putting his hands over his eyes. “I’ve been working so hard on this party. You better enjoy it or I’ll cry.”
Rolling my eyes, I push him off my lap, his feet hitting the floor with a thud. “Yeah, I’m sure.” Looking around, I see Abel really did go all out. There are streamers, hanging lanterns and a big Happy Birthday banner hanging. “It looks really good. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, bestie. Now come on. Time to open presents.”
He takes my hand and drags me after him. I glance over my shoulder at Red and he grins, hurrying after us. There’s a gleam in his eyes and I wonder at it, but don’t ask as I’m dragged to the backyard.