Page 33 of Dead to the World
My jaw hardened. “It isn’t a fortress.”
“I wager it will be when you’re done with it.”
His comment rankled me. “And where do you live? I can’t imagine it’s somewhere cramped and cozy.”
“I live right here, as a matter of fact.” He glanced toward a door at the far end of the lounge area.
“Doesn’t your work life bleed into your personal one?”
He shrugged. “Business, pleasure. They’re the same to me.”
“Why this place?” I pressed. “Is it the energy? Do you feed off it?”
He wagged a finger at me. “Naughty Ms. Clay. You won’t wheedle anything more out of me. If we’re playing strip poker, that means webothtake off our clothes.”
I tugged on the edge of my tank top. “I’m not wearing extra layers.”
“Maybe not, but your armor is quite apparent.” His expression grew curious. “Why would Chief Garcia allow you to involve yourself in an official investigation?”
“Because there isn’t an official investigation. Plus, she seems overwhelmed. She’s down one cop, and there seems to be a rabid animal on the loose terrorizing livestock.”
“Ah, yes. I’ve heard about that.”
“What have you heard?”
His full lips curved ever so slightly. “That there seems to be a rabid animal on the loose terrorizing livestock.” He swirled the liquid in his glass. “It’s good that you’re involved, I think. Chief Garcia is capable enough, but she’s hampered by her…” His eyebrows drew together.
“Her humanity?”
He allowed himself a small smile. “More or less.”
I decided to open the door a little wider. “What’s been your experience with the humans in town? Do they know about supernaturals?”
“Many do, thanks to generations of experience. I even believe the remainder do on a subconscious level, but they find it difficult to reconcile with the known world.”
“What’s the attraction for supernaturals? Why Fairhaven?” I was curious if he had an opinion, or perhaps even direct knowledge.
His whisky eyes focused on me. “What brought you here?”
“A desire for solitude and a fresh start.”
He laughed lightly. “How’s that working out for you?”
“Too soon to tell. What brought you here?”
I inclined my head toward the lounge area. “You don’t seem retired.”
“The clientele here suits me.” There was something about the way he said it that gave me pause.
“Are you sure you’re not an incubus?”
He laughed. “Quite, but I’m terribly flattered that you would mistake me for someone with such incredible sexual energy.”
In that moment, I would’ve been perfectly fine if the floor rose up and swallowed me whole. “What kind of demon are you then?”
He leaned across the counter so that his full lips were whisper-close to my ear. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”