Page 40 of Dead to the World
“We can send a jar home with you, if you like,” Brenda added.
I waved a hand airily. “No, it’s not my thing, thanks, but the smell brought back some childhood memories.” Pops didn’t drink, but his friend Mitch did. They’d sit outside on the stoop and trade stories while Mitch drank his stash. I’d listen from my bedroom window and wonder how some people found the strength to wake up every day and keep going.
Penelope’s lip relaxed. “This batch is a bit strong, so probably for the best.”
“Making moonshine on top of everything else,” I commented. “You must be busy.”
Kelsey dragged her forearm along her brow to wipe away the sweat. “No kidding. It would be great if we could afford to hire someone so I could rejoin humanity. I haven’t been on a date in ages.”
“We had Georgia, but she’s gone now,” Brenda volunteered.
I didn’t miss the looks exchanged by Margaret and Sierra. “Who’s Georgia?” I asked.
Penelope’s lips grew taut. “She was in our employ, but no longer.”
“Another witch?”
“A brownie,” Brenda said. “Real pretty too. Light brown hair and these enormous brown eyes.”
At least I knew who the chatty one was in the coven. “I could use help around my house. Is she available for work or did she leave for another job?”
“Thought you were short on cash,” Penelope pointed out.
“I am, but my house is huge. I figured I could offer her room and board in exchange for light duties.” A feasible lie.
Penelope seemed to accept my answer. “She left two months ago in the company of her new boyfriend, who didn’t like that she was working for witches. Didn’t leave a forwarding address.”
“That’s too bad.”
“Werewolf,” Margaret said with a disapproving sniff. “Why couldn’t he at least have been an Arrowhead? Then she could’ve stayed here.”
“Arrowhead is the local pack?” I asked.
Margaret nodded. “They live in the trailer park northwest of here, just south of the highway.”
Penelope snapped her fingers, appearing irritated by the chatter. “Brenda, fetch a pen and paper. Miss Clay was about to give me the details of her property for the ward.”
“You haven’t quoted me a price,” I said.
“Can’t do that without knowing more about your property,” Penelope said, keeping her gaze fixed on me. “What’s your address? I’ll have one of the girls drop it by with instructions when it’s ready.”
“Bluebeard’s Castle.”
Sierra flinched at the mention of the house. “I didn’t realize you’re the one who bought it.”
“You know it?”
“Everybody around here knows it. Been sitting empty for decades,” Brenda answered for Sierra.
“That’s a lot of house for one person,” Margaret said.
“I like my space.”
Phaedra smiled. “Try living in a farmhouse with a coven of witches.”
“We have acres of land around us,” Penelope said with a sweeping gesture. “Just go outside if you’re feeling smothered.”
Phaedra opened the cupboard and retrieved a glass. “Where do you think I am half the time? I’m just glad it’s summer. I can’t handle the cold.”