Page 58 of Dead to the World
“You seem to be doing a good job of that without any magical assistance,” I noted dryly.
Nana Pratt harrumphed and withdrew.
I peeked out the window for a quick look at the visitor. Light brown hair that curled at the edges. A rugged jawline covered in stubble. A blue T-shirt that spanned his six-pack. Tight jeans. Work boots. I knew exactly who he was.
Plastering on my friendliest smile, I opened the door. “You must be West.”
The alpha of the Arrowhead pack looked me square in the eye, but I could tell it took great effort. Every fiber of his being was likely telling him to be submissive. I didn’t have the heart to tell him resistance was futile.
“Weston Davies, Arrowhead pack.”
“Lorelei Clay. Nice to meet you.”
He hooked his thumbs through the belt loops of his jeans. “I don’t suppose you’d tell me what you are if I asked.”
“Is that how we’re kicking off this conversation? That’s disappointing.”
“You’re right. Where are my manners?” He glanced skyward. “Beautiful day, isn’t it? Temperature’s supposed to hit ninety.”
“Seems early in the summer for that kind of high.”
He shrugged. “Climate change will do that. Did you settle here because this was the only place you could find with a moat?”
“The moat was a bonus. I moved here for the hardware store. Hewitt’s has everything.” I caught the hint of a smile, but it faded as quickly as it appeared.
“Why do you smell like death?”
“You sure know how to compliment a lady. Is that why you don’t have a mate?”
He narrowed his eyes. “What makes you think I don’t?”
“Because she would’ve made herself known when I showed up on your doorstep.” Werewolves were territorial in every respect.
“We’re talking about you right now. Don’t try to turn the tables.” He leaned back to assess me. “You’re clearly not a zombie.”
“Because zombies don’t exist.”
His face hardened. “Then what are you?”
“A ghost whisperer.”
He huffed. “And I’m surprisingly strong with an affinity for the moon.”
I was strong, too, although probably not as strong as the werewolf alpha, not that I had any intention of testing my theory. The less he knew, the better for both of us.
When he realized I wasn’t going to say more, he changed tacks. “So, you came by to see me.”
“I did.”
“Sorry I missed you. I was out of town at a regional meeting with other alphas.”
“Sounds like a good time.”
His mouth quirked. “The beer was shit, but I managed. Heard you had a good time at Monk’s the other night. Met our sweet Anna.”
I kept my expression neutral, curious to see what, if anything, Anna had told him. “Yes, she was delightful.”
He grunted. “That’s not an adjective I’d use, but okay. Sounds like she was drinking and running her mouth more than usual that night.”