Page 60 of Dead of Night
“Who is he?” I whispered to Camryn.
“He and Charles were roommates in the city when they were younger. Once Charles was accepted into the guild, they lost touch.”
“Alfie’s a mage, too?”
Cam nodded. “Not a very good one. That’s why he works on Wall Street.”
We remained in the cemetery until Alfie’s Uber had come and gone. The sun had started its descent, casting the cemetery deep in shadow.
“Does it feel strange being in a cemetery that isn’t next to your house? Is it woefully inconvenient?” Gun asked.
“It’s a nice change.”
Camryn squinted in the gloaming. “Oh, Lake Shitaqua. You’ve got to be kidding me. Is that a ghoul?”
“I’m sure your eyes deceive you, dear cousin. What ghoul in its right mind would show up at the burial of a Diamond mage?”
“Ghouls don’t have right minds. That’s what makes them ghouls.”
“That’s not the only thing. Whoever it is, they seem very interested in the fresh dirt.”
I squinted at the bulky silhouette currently sniffing around Diamond’s grave.
Gun tugged the boa so it was secure. “Come on, little cousin. Let’s do our sworn duty.”
“You’re sworn to fight ghouls in graveyards?” I asked. “What about your assassin’s oath?”
“Ghouls don’t count,” Gun said. “You should really read the by-laws.”
“Don’t need to. Not a member of the guild, remember?”
“We don’t have our cards,” Camryn reminded him. “How do you intend to kill them?”
“We’re resourceful. We’ll come up with something.”
Camryn took a step forward, then stopped, squeaking with dismay. “These are Jimmy Choos.”
“And they’ve got sharp heels,” Gun said. “Use them.”
Camryn emitted soft whiny puffs as she removed the shoes and wielded them like daggers. “Just for the record, do you have any idea how hard it is to remove ghoul stains?” she asked.
He raised his chin a fraction. “As a matter of fact, I do.”
I knew from experience that ghouls rarely traveled alone, and this one was no exception. I spotted two more to the right, sniffing around another headstone. Although ghouls had a fondness for cemeteries, I couldn’t control them like ghosts. That didn’t mean I was entirely helpless though.
“In for a penny, in for a pound,” I said.
I sprinted toward the duo to the right. Ghouls’ minds were more primitive than other sentient beings, but there was a chance I could still influence them.
I intended to take them by surprise, but they must’ve scented me. The first one turned, and I pressed my hand to his head. I wasn’t able to forge a connection thanks to the second ghoul, who decided my arm resembled a tasty treat. I cried out as his teeth made contact, releasing my hold on the first ghoul. At least ghouls weren’t like zombies; there was no danger of me turning into one.
The second ghoul clearly didn’t like the taste of me because he unclenched and ran. The first ghoul had already plodded away from me.
I whipped around to see Gunther flat on his back with the original ghoul on top.
“Heads up,” a voice called.
Josie raced across the cemetery, along with the square-jawed mage Camryn had been swooning over earlier.