Page 72 of Dead of Night
“That’s not a word,” I accused.
“It most certainly is. Shall we confirm with the Oxford Dictionary?”
“Next you’re going to tell me you wrote the dictionary while you were at school there.”
He grunted his appreciation. “I was too busy with other projects.”
“I’m sure.”
He showed me his phone, which was now open to the page in the dictionary. “Are you ready to answer my question or would you prefer to pour yourself another drink first?”
I folded my arms. “Ready.” I braced myself for a question about my true identity, which I had no intention of answering.
“Why did you leave London?”
A softball. He hoped to gain my trust by asking an easy one when he could’ve pushed the envelope. I liked his style.
“City life became too much for me. Too many restless souls in need of company.”
“Then why choose one of the largest cities in the world? You had to realize it would be a problem when you moved there.”
“I thought I would be one of many there, that I could fade into the background.”
“I’m guessing that didn’t work out the way you expected.”
I shook my head.
“Why move all the way across the ocean to escape lost souls and then plant yourself next to a cemetery?”
“That’s another question,” I pointed out.
“It’s relevant to the initial one.”
“Fine. I didn’t know the cemetery was there. I bought this place online.”
“Bullshit. You knew.”
I focused on my remaining tiles. “You’ve asked your question.”
“Admit it. You’re lonely and you knew a cemetery would provide you with a few companions. Get out in the world again, Miss Clay. Learn to love it.”
“I was in London, remember? If that’s not out in the world, then I don’t know what it is.”
“No, you hid yourself in London. It’s not the same thing.”
We placed two more words on the board. Kane won again.
“Why won’t you shake my hand?” he demanded.
I glanced at him. “Because I have no idea whether you wash them. You said yourself you like to get them dirty on occasion.”
He gave me a pointed look.
“Why does it matter?” I asked.
“Because it’s a normal human custom.”
“You’re not human.”