Page 74 of Dead of Night
I lowered my gaze to the table. “Maybe one or two… or three.”
“Oh, my dear Miss Clay. And what happened?”
“I imagine their replacements will be en route soon.”
Kane shot to his feet. “And you’re only sharing this now?”
“I wasn’t sure what to do.”
“Well, I can assure you, doing nothing isn’t an option.”
“Which is why I’m telling you.”
Kane dragged his fingers through his hair. “This is most unfortunate. We need a plan.”
“I tried to come up with one on my own, but I just don’t know enough about them, and the Internet was no help.”
His mouth twitched. “Did you think they might have a website that detailed their schemes? Perhaps a Contact Us form?”
“How do you know so much about them if they’re so mysterious?”
“I never claimed to know a lot about them. Part of their power is their mystique. You can’t defeat what you don’t understand.” He broke into a smile. “It’s sort of like chess in that way.”
“Maybe I should learn to play after all.”
He tapped his polished shoe on the floor, thinking. “Allow me to make a few inquiries before we proceed.”
“Incoming!” Nana Pratt’s voice yelled from outside.
On cue, my arms tingled. Another visitor.
“Excuse me for a second.” I hurried from the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the counter on my way. If Cillian Pendleton was back for an encore, this time I’d be ready.
I swung open the door. Not a mage.
A werewolf.
“Weston Davies, how nice to see you again.”
The alpha of the Arrowhead pack didn’t smile. “Chopping vegetables?”
I glanced at the knife in my hand. “I had an intruder yesterday.”
“Did you plan to butcher me? Because that’s a paring knife.”
I tucked the knife behind my back. “What brings you here, West?”
His expression turned grim. “We need to talk.”
“Why do I get the sense this isn’t a social call?”
“I was under the impression you weren’t interested in those.”
“Congrats on the ability to read a room.” I stepped aside to widen the gap. West was broad and muscular. People probably gave him a wide berth based on physical appearance alone, never mind the fact that he was the werewolf alpha.
West paused mid-foyer and scented the air. “Sullivan was here?”
“Correction: Sullivanishere,” Kane called from the kitchen.