Page 96 of Dead of Night
I watched in fascination as the dragon spirit flew in a spiral. His speed increased until his form became a blur of bright colors.
Pieces of the floor sank into gaping holes as blobs of lava spread across the cavern. Finally, the entire floor opened up beneath the kammapa and swallowed the swallower whole, along with the remaining mountain of treasure.
Kane and I instinctively backed away from the doorway. I was ready to run, especially when the dragon spirit came barreling toward us. I wouldn’t blame Bruce for wanting to throw me into the otherworldly volcano as well, although if that was his plan, he wouldn’t have warned me to cross the threshold.
The dragon’s tail and wings dissolved. His body contracted and his head reformed until the ghost of Bruce Huang hovered in front of us, shimmering like the pearl that had imprisoned him. The door slammed shut behind him.
“You have my pearl,” the ghost said.
I opened my palm to reveal the small white orb. “How did I release you?”
“You have power over the dead,” Bruce said. “My spirit was bound to the pearl and not my body. When you claimed the pearl, you set me free.”
“And your powers are tied to your spirit,” I said.
He nodded. “I used my powers to break through this realm where the barrier was weak and create an offshore vault. Once I finished, they imprisoned my spirit in the pearl and left it among the treasure so that I was bound to protect it.”
“Is that why you never wanted to leave the house?” I asked.
“It wasn’t that I wouldn’t. My body couldn’t stray too far from my soul, or I would die.” He looked at the pearl with detachment. “Now that is no longer a concern. I would like you to destroy the pearl.”
“I thought it was a fuzanglong’s most treasured possession,” I said.
He offered a sad smile. “I no longer have any need for possessions.”
I tucked the pearl in my pocket. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I do not blame you. I’m only glad I was able to force my way out of the kammapa’s body.”
“How did you know I would pick up the pearl?”
“I didn’t, but I had to try.”
It was a sentiment I understood.
My gaze drifted to the blank wall where the door had been. “You’ve sealed off the other realm? The kammapa can’t get out?”
“The volcano I created acts as its own small realm where the creature will be imprisoned for eternity, along with the treasure. Even if it swallows every last piece of gold, it will not grow large enough or strong enough to break free.”
I whistled. “And they say you can’t take it with you.”
“There is one last thing I’d like to do before I cross over, but it requires your assistance.”
I shot a cautious look at Kane. “What is it?”
“Command me to visit The Corporation’s headquarters. I cannot do it of my own volition.”
“Why would you want to go there?”
“So that I may take full responsibility for everything that happened here. I will tell them that I, Bruce Huang, destroyed the kammapa and spirited away their treasure to parts unknown as vengeance for their actions. They won’t return here.”
“You would do that?” I asked.
“It will be my last act on this plane. I have nothing more to lose; they have no power over me anymore, but you do.” He hesitated. “Not to worry, there will be no mention of your involvement.” The spirit’s lips formed a satisfied smile. “And I will enjoy every moment of my revenge.”
“And the house?”
Bruce nodded. “Free and clear to be sold. The deed in my name is legal, although The Corporation would’ve found a way to alter it or bury the state in legal documents if you hadn’t intervened. This neighborhood deserves better than a corporate shell. They care nothing for the house, when the neighbors are the real treasure.”