Page 1 of Celestia, Year Three
Prologue- Adapting To Change
Istood at a mesmerizing lake, its beauty so fluorescent with life.
The water was clear, like looking through a glass, and dozens of flowers in a variety of colors lined the very bottom of the lake. It held the highest level of purity, though I had no idea how I knew about such legends.
Wildlife and nature surrounded the lake. Trees stood tall, and animals big and small roamed the lands with freedom. Mother Nature allowed it so that everything lived in harmony, the earth providing for the living creatures and preserving this very place with all of its might.
I was certain about one thing, feeling confident in my inner thoughts as I continued to soak in the light energy that contributed to my warmth and strength.
This was my Land.
It wasn't relevant how I knew this was where I was destined to belong. What mattered was the sudden chill I felt run along my body, almost like a thin sheet brushing my skin, leaving goosebumps in the wake of its return.
My gaze lowered to the ground and my eyes widened in horror as my beautiful, sacred land began to die. The soil dried up until not a spec of water remained while the trees that surrounded me shriveled into nothing but black decay, leaving a stench of rotten remains.
The animals, both on the ground and in the sky, dropped to the lifeless ground, their living souls consumed by the dark mist that crept towards me from all directions.
I turned back toward the lake that was my prized possession and ran into it as if it could protect me from my imminent doom. With each step I took into the cool water it slowly shrank in size.
By the time I reached the very middle, the clear, pure water I adored was gone, and the dark mist was ready to face me.
I noticed the rainbow crown perched on a rock before me, the only colorful thing left amongst the growing black that was already consuming the sky above.With haste, I leaned down to grab the crown and clung to it with my life as I searched around me for a way out.
"You cannot run from your destiny, my Queen."The male voice came from somewhere to the left of me.
I gritted my teeth and turned my head to locate who had spoken. My mismatched eyes narrowed, and my gaze fell on the tall figure that emerged from the Darkness.
The Darkness seemed to create his very essence. I couldn't see much of his face due to the black hood covering his head, but his broad smile and pale skin made me tighten my arms around the crown.
He can't have what isn't his. This does not belong to him.
"I'm NOT your Queen!" I snapped.
He continued his slow approach toward me, and I resumed scanning my pitch-black surroundings for a way out. The Darkness was mere inches from my feet, but there was no use. I couldn't run. I had to face him.
This crown was my right. Just as he had his own right to rule. We could never coexist. One would be sacrificed. I wouldn’t let that be me.
"My Queen, don't glare at me with those hateful jewels that will one day look at me with compassion. Your time is approaching. All you need to do is accept the Darkness."
"I'm not accepting anything. I don't belong here! Neither do you. This is MY land and you have overstayed your welcome."
My words did nothing to stop his confident strides, and in seconds, he stood before me. He lifted his hands to lower his hood and faint lavender eyes met mine.
"Our land, my Queen. You just don't understand how precious you are in all of this."
"' else?" I tried to figure out the familiar person before me. A part of me knew him as someone I loved dearly, yet the other half of me was left in confusion at the spitting image who carried a level of evil, it practically oozed off his aura that upon concentration was a dark grey.
"Yes, my Queen. You know who I am."
"I'm not your Queen!" I countered, my anger only growing at my constant need to defend what wasn't true.
The man gave me a sweet smile and reached out for my crown. I wanted to move, but it was like my body was suddenly frozen. It was only when he took the crown from my hands that I realized the dark mist was already crawling up my body.
The chilling movement made me shiver, and I struggled to keep calm as I looked back at the man with a panicked expression.
"Do not fear the Darkness, Celestia. It is where you truly belong." As he spoke, I watched black sludge begin to cloak the crown.
"No! Don't ruin it. It has to be that way. It represents them! All of them. Don't destroy them!" I screamed. The Darkness was already level with my chest, and I fought its hold.