Page 8 of His Curvy Catfish

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Page 8 of His Curvy Catfish

“You’re so lucky to be alive,” Dani said, placing her hand on my forearm. “I can’t even imagine what you’ve gone through. You must be very strong.”

I glanced down at my fist holding the rock, and opened my palm, offering it to her.

“Just human. All I know is that coming here has been a real lifesaver for me. I adopted Buddy from the local shelter and started over. Being out in nature like this brings me peace, makes me feel less self-conscious. It’s been a gift, really, because it’s brought me closer to actually living my values.”

A tear slipped down Dani’s cheek. I reached and wiped it away with my fingertip.

“How courageous,” she whispered, taking the turquoise rock, and placing it into the terrarium. “I wish I felt less self-conscious, although as a model, I doubt that’s even possible. I’ve been picked apart so much I feel like I don’t even know who I am anymore.”

“I can relate,” I told her. “I felt like that too after I was discharged from service. I spent a lot of time being angry and bitter about what I’d lost. It took me a while to shift my focus to thinking about what lay ahead of me. What I was going to do with the rest of my life. One thing I know for sure, is that I want to make a difference. It doesn’t have to be big or anything, but I want to at least try.”

“I think you’re already making a difference,” said Dani, stroking the fur on Buddy’s back. He laid his chin on her knee affectionately, his tail thumping the grass.

“Thanks,” I said smiling. I began to pet Buddy too, my hand brushing against Dani’s. “I’ve always enjoyed cooking. It used to be just a hobby, but since I’ve been here in the valley, I’ve been learning a lot about organic farming and whole-food cooking. I’ve got a little vegetable and herb garden behind my house now and have been experimenting with different recipes. Someday I’d really like to open my own farm-to-table restaurant.”

“That sounds amazing,” Dani replied. “Let me know if you need any taste-tasters. I’ve been on so many crash diets where I’ve eaten nothing but diet soda and these weird shakes for days at a time, that eating real, fresh food frankly sounds luxurious.”

“In that case, would you like to have dinner with me sometime? In fact, how about tomorrow night?” I hadn’t planned to invite her over, but the words tumbled out of my mouth before I had time to think.

“Oh.” A frown crossed her pretty face. I noticed that she had a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and felt sad that someone had covered them up or airbrushed them out of her photos. “My date is flying in tomorrow afternoon, so I don’t think I can. I really wish I could, though.”

If I wasn’t mistaken, she sounded wistful, as though she meant what she said.

“I understand,” I said. “Why don’t we head back to the hotel?”

We walked back, our conversation turning to small talk and remarking on the various bits of sea glass and shells we discovered along the way.

After wishing her a good evening, I returned home with Buddy. He lapped up water from his bowl and I gave him a few treats, then grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water for myself. I took it to the den and had a seat on the sectional. Removing my phone from my pocket, I logged into the Rent-a-Date App and went to messages.

Ace:Hi Dani, it’s Ace. Hey, I’m really sorry about this, but I’m shooting a movie right now and production’s been extended. I won’t be able to fly out tomorrow after all. But I called the airlines, and they’re able to change my ticket to Friday. I should still make it there in time to accompany you to your sister’s wedding. Apologies again for the delay.”

A few minutes later, my phone buzzed with an incoming text.

Dani:“Hi Brayden, this is Dani. I’ll be free after all tomorrow night and would love to join you for dinner.”

Chapter Five


I bit my lip, not sure why I was feeling so nervous. TheHow to Stop People Pleasingworkshop was being held in the resort’s yoga studio, located adjacent to the spa on the 3rdfloor of the main building. The elevator doors slid open, and I followed the signs to the event.

After I’d taken a long soak in the tub and ordered room service for dinner last night, I remembered Brayden’s suggestion about seeing what classes were available this week at the resort and had given the concierge a call. Now I had the day free on Thursday, I figured I’d check them out. When the hotel’s representative mentioned there was space available in theHow to Stop People Pleasingworkshop, I’d signed up on impulse. Now, as I found myself outside the yoga studio, I felt suddenly conspicuous. Reassuring myself that surely I wouldn’t be the only person in attendance, I took a deep breath and pulled the door open. The scent of lavender hung in the air, and men and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes sat on yoga mats and cushions around the room. Some were writing in journals, a few were talking softly together, and yet others were stretching or meditating.

A smiling woman, who I guessed to be somewhere in her 50’s with fluffy gray hair that cascaded around her shoulders, greeted me at the door with a warm smile. Her bright blue eyes twinkled.

“Good afternoon. I’m Rainey, I’m one of the movement instructors here, and I’m also a licensed massage therapist at the spa.”

“Hello,” I said. “I’m Dani Lane.”

“Welcome,” she replied. “Please grab a mat, bolster, and blanket, and have a seat anywhere in the room. You can store your shoes in the cubbies along the far wall. Don’t worry if you didn’t bring writing materials, I have packets and pens I’ll be passing out shortly once we get started.”

“Thank you,” I said, making my way towards the supply shelves as directed. I slipped off my sandals and put them inside an empty cubbyhole and then chose a purple yoga mat, matching cushion, and a navy blanket. I carried everything to a corner and began to make myself comfortable. As soon as I sat down, I instinctively exhaled, suddenly feeling relaxed. I gazed towards the front of the room, where Rainey had set up her mat facing the group. A stick of lavender incense was burning in a beautiful holder, and there was a large bowl of water with rose petals and floating tea light candles. Watching the candles gently bobbing atopthe water, their flames lightly flickering, had a calming effect and I noticed my breathing slowing down.

I turned and saw Rainey close the door to the studio and the room quieted as she took her place on the mat in front of us.

“Good afternoon, and welcome everyone. I’m so glad you’re all here. Today’s workshop isHow to Stop People Pleasing. We’re going to spend some time exploring the ways in which we self-sabotage ourselves by giving too much of our power away. We’ll reflect on how this feels in our body, mind, and spirit, and study patterns in our lives that leave us feeling depleted. Then, we’ll explore what it may look like to reclaim our loss of control, and practice making choices from this new, more informed, vantage point. How might we choose to act differently coming from a place of wholeness? This afternoon, we will engage in gentle movement, guided meditation, discussion, and journaling. This is a safe space, and there are no bad questions. The onlybadquestion is one that goes unasked.”

As she spoke, I felt my eyes welling with tears. This was exactly what I needed, and I hadn’t known it. I was filled with an eagerness to learn. I looked around the room and saw others wiping away tears, nodding, and smiling. It was true—this was a safe space, and I was not alone in my feelings. For the first time since I could remember, I felt truly at home.

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