Page 4 of Song of the Sea King
"It's because he is exactly like you when someone tries to wake you up. He becomes a snarling, raging beast," Bayn replied. He still looked Mananan over and frowned. "Did you get into a fight?"
"Is it that obvious? I was swimming out from Scarborough and sensed one of Morrigan's krakens. It was attacking a lighthouse," he replied and took a seat next to Freya. She poured him a large cup of coffee. It was a new drink to him that he had developed a taste for almost instantly.
Mananan told them all about his adventures in the North Sea, the strange psychic cry for help and the woman at the lighthouse.
"Do you think she has some kind of magic ability? She must in order to do that," Bayn said thoughtfully.
"I'm not sure, but it came through the water, clear as you talking to me right now," Mananan replied.
Freya was frowning. "And she was still unconscious when you left her?" There was no mistaking the disapproval in her tone.
"She was breathing. She didn't have a head wound. I'm sure she has someone that will check on her. She was only in the water for a few minutes before I got her out," Mananan said, trying to push down his guilt.
"But what about her leg?" Freya pushed.
"What about it?"
"You said the creature's tentacles were wrapped around it! They have claws in their suckers, at least the ones that Imogen and Bron have killed. It could have cut her up and laid eggs in her in a couple of minutes."
Mananan shook his head. "I didn't see any bl—what the fuck do you meaneggs?"
"Yeah, the kraken that Imogen fought in Ireland laid eggs in her. There's a pouch of them in each sucker. They cut their victims open with the claws and impregnate them, so the young have something to eat when they hatch," Bayn explained.
Mananan's stomach soured. "Shit. Bayn, we have to check on her. I didn't know any of this!"
He pulled out his phone and texted Taranis to get him alert in case they needed him. Phones were another invention the humans had come up with that he didn't entirely hate.
Mananan went upstairs for his jacket and his daggers. No wonder he still felt something was wrong. He had left that poor woman with fucking monster eggs in her.
It could be nothing. You didn't see any blood.He hadn't checked though. Just dumped her and left.
"I'm sure she's fine," Freya said, giving him a hug goodbye. "If not, you're welcome to bring her back here."
"Thanks," Mananan replied gruffly and patted her back. He wasn't used to so much affection, but his nieces were forcing it on him. Having so many women in the family was a whole new experience.
"Hey, where's my kiss goodbye?" Bayn said, pulling Freya out of Mananan's arms and into his own. Freya laughed softly and kissed him.
Mananan clapped his hands. "Don't have the time for that. A woman's life is in danger, remember?"
Bayn let his mate go with a gentle smack on her ass before turning back to Mananan. "Do you have everything?"
"Yes. Let's go." Mananan was getting worried now. Worried over some human he didn't know. It was ridiculous.
Ice bloomed under their feet, and Bayn took Mananan by the arm. With a final wink at Freya, they fell through the ice. Mananan hated portal travel, but he couldn’t deny its efficiency. They popped out of the ice again on the yard in front of the lighthouse.
Mananan knocked on the white and blue door. No reply. The door wasn’t locked, so he opened it. "Hello?"
"Maybe she's up in the tower?" Bayn suggested.
Mananan went inside anyway. He went through to the small lounge room where he'd left her on the couch. He hoped she wasn't a corpse still lying on it.
"I found her!" Bayn called.
Mananan hurried into the kitchen and spotted the woman on the tiles. She wore a thin top and no pants. Her left leg was twice its normal size with black lines coming from underneath a bandage.
"Go and get Taran, now!" Mananan hissed. Bayn disappeared out the door. Mananan rolled the woman over. Her eyes opened, fever bright, and she struck out at him.
"Don't fucking touch me!" she begged.