Page 23 of Taming Liberty
“Hey,” I interrupt, scooting closer and taking her hands so she’ll stop scratching herself. Her eyes are wild, maybe even manic, and a jolt of fear zaps me. “I’m not saying there won’t ever be a time when we can talk about this, but let’s take a breath, okay? Give me a minute before I start plotting another escape attempt. I only have so many lives.” I force out a laugh in an attempt to ease some tension.
My attempt doesn’t have the desired effect. In fact, it does the opposite. Out of nowhere, tears burst from Naomi’s eyes, and she averts her gaze. She sucks in fast, shallow gulps of air and pulls her hands from me to wrap them around herself.
“Hey, it’s okay.” I put my arm around her shoulder then rub circles over her back. I can’t help but think how reminiscent this feels to when Angel tries to comfort me. I’m as insincere as he is. I know our situation isn’t okay. None of this is okay.
“We’re going to die here,” Naomi wails, her face pressing into my shirt.
I tense, then immediately try to relax to cover it up.
She’s right. I know it instantly, but I try not to panic. Panicking makes me reckless. I can’t take any more recklessness.
“It’s going to be okay,” I lie again. “We just have to be patient. We’ll have our chance when the time is right.”
Naomi pulls away, her cries quieting. “I don’t have any more time.” Her breathing’s hoarse, and her voice is rough enough it sounds like there’s gravel in her throat.
My blood runs cold at the defeat emanating from her. I stare, waiting for her to explain. I brace myself like someone would if they were tied to train tracks and heard a locomotive’s horn.
She runs her hands over her face and straightens, conjuring up the bravery I’ve associated with her since the day we met.
“Jasper is in charge at the manor,” she explains, fake stoicism hardening her words. “I don’t know for how long, but… I don’t feel good about it.” She swallows thickly. “I really need to get off this island. I can’t take any more.” Her eyes close, and she inhales a shaky breath. “Please?”
When tears leak onto my cheeks, I wipe them away and inhale a sharp breath. I hug Naomi tightly and bite my lip to keep my cries from mingling with hers.
Be strong.
My tears dry, and I release my lip, forcing my fear to turn toward anger, toward resignation.
“Tell me what you want me to do,” I concede, my voice steady.
She tenses and at least a minute goes by before she speaks. “I want you to play Angel’s game. Instead of trying to resist his bullshit, play offense, and manipulate him like he’s trying to manipulate you.”
When she pulls back gently, I bring my hands to my lap.
“All you have to do is get him to trust you. Once you do that, we’ll figure out where to go from there. Start by getting the boat schedule and information on the guys who go back and forth. I can’t ask around. It’s too dangerous for me.”
I nod. “Okay, I can try.”
Her eyes bore into me as she takes my hands. “Try hard… Please?”
Before I can answer, the door opens and Angel appears, phone in hand. He glances between Naomi and me, then tucks the phone in his pocket. His face is red, and his posture’s stiff.
Something’s wrong.
“I’m sorry, April, I need to take you back to the manor.”
I sit up straight as Angel and I lock eyes. “Why?”
He frowns. “I have to go to Shanghai.”
He shakes his head. “Now.”
“What?” My face falls, and I turn to Naomi.
If Jasper is in charge of the manor, it means Sawyer is gone. Now Angel is leaving, so … Jasper is in charge of the island? Or just the manor? I don’t know how all of this works, but I do know Naomi is right to be scared. No one’s safe with Jasper. Not even me.