Page 25 of Fate of a Faux
My mother chuckles at my side, and just before London hits the ground below, her body jerks to a harsh halt.
I look over my shoulder to find Legend’s eyes closed, his mouth moving as he manipulates the air to save the treacherous Gifted.
Knew he would be the one. He likes to act like he’s not as calculated as Creed, but he is. He’ll use this to his benefit, I’m sure.
“Enough playtime, son,” my mother warns quietly.
Lifting my chin, I get to the point of this meeting.
“The fates are testing me,” I tell them. “And I will not fail. My Queen must be worthy of her crown, and that girl before you, weak and hovering above you without a clue of how to escape the simple spell holding her there, is not.”
London's eyes find mine and I stare directly into them. “I reject your bond, London Crow. May you burn like your ancestors.”
Every word is like venom rolling over my tongue. My throat threatens to close, my heart hammering wildly in my chest, threatening to tear through the flesh and throw itself at her feet, if only so she would pick it up and stroke it with her soft touch.
The crowd begins to whisper, and those whispers grow electric as mothers and daughters and more begin to piece things together.
“From here, this very instant,” Mother's voice booms as she draws herself higher, but still lower than me, and the crowd quiets once more. “Your of-age daughters are to report to the Faelific Fortress. At the break of dawn, they will be tested there, and the top five scores will immediately be moved into the Ward Wing on the estate.”
Just like that, their hope spiking higher than ever fucking before.
My mother smiles wide, her voice booming. “The next Queen of Rathe is among you. Let the evolution of the King... begin!”
Our mother opens a portal,glancing back at the four of us expectantly.??
Creed steps up, Legend right behind him, and her eyes narrow when neither Sinner nor I move.?
“Knight...” she warns, fully fucking aware it will make no difference.
Legend turns to me, brows dipped in anger. “You've just rejected your bond in front of all the civilians of magic.”?
Sinner steps beside me.??
“You said you had this handled.” Creed shakes his head, his face void of any emotion but his thoughts are real fucking loud. He’s almost as pissed as Mother. “Walk away.”’?
Sin scoffs beside me and I look to Mother’s side, intending to catch my father’s eyes...but he’s not here. He would see and he would approve.
Because the man knew what the fuck was up just as all four of them know I cannot walk away after what the bitch dared to do. Can’t and don’t fucking want to.???
Creed frowns, then closes our mother on the other side of the portal, all three of my brothers standing with me. They always will.
The crowd remains and the Ministry steps forward to close out the conclave, informing everyone of what we learned this morning—classes at Rathe U are on a temporary hold until the courtship is complete.
I hook right, following the guards as they move back toward the far edge of the Ministry building. The lead steps up, and the barrier falls instantly, the door materializing in a split second.??
The shifter walks through, and the men fall aside in unison. Three on the left and three on the right, they stand shoulder to shoulder with their arms at their sides, creating a path for Sin and me.??
We step inside.?
The shifter spins to face the future King, just as I anticipated, a smile spread across her lips.??
My hands dart out and I grip the poor excuse of a dragon by her neck.??
Victoria’s eyes turn to flames, her skin heating beneath my touch. There is screaming and shouted demands coming from behind us, and then the barrier is closed, locking the entirety of the Ministry outside.??