Page 62 of Fate of a Faux
As I look around the table at the other gorgeous girls, even that bitchy girl Alex, I’m thinking it won’t be too hard.I imagine most of them would kill for a seat on the throne, possibly even literally. It should be easy to fade into the background, especially if the redhead at the end wants what she was called here for. She looks like a straight fucking goddess, and who knows, maybe she is.
Do those exist here?
I don’t know, but either way, I bet she’s mega powerful and that’s exactly what the crown requires. Money and power and beauty.
I’ve only got one of those, so again, it shouldn’t be hard to score the lowest on the list of future royal baby makers.
But then I face forward, unintentionally locking eyes with the future King and suddenly... I’m not so sure.
There’s a new girl.
Of course, there’s a fucking new girl. If London, when she still had all her memories, thought she was getting rid of one of the women who could potentially be mine, she was mistaken.
The thought of her jealousy, of her being possessive over a man she hates has my cock twitching in the stupid fucking suit I can't wait to peel off.
I'd like to peel that leather off her.
I'd take my claws and hold them out before her so she could watch as their length grows into sharp points that could cut through her with zero effort. I would drag them down the front of that devilish black corset, reveling in the sight of it popping open, and her tits bouncing free, but I wouldn't stop there. I would keep going straight down, over her mound and lower until I could push up, right into her tight pussy and it is tight. It's so fucking tight.
My eyes slide left, and Sin lifts a dark brow, his gaze snapping to where I'm hard beneath my slacks. I simply bring my drink to my lips, downing it and then look forward once more.
Sinner's chuckle is low, but he swallows it when Mother snaps her head over her shoulder with a glare.
“As I was saying,” Mother speaks slowly, turning back to the floating image she threw up before us. “Her name is Ivana. She’s a shifter. Youngest in her family and daughter of one of our own.”
I stare at the face on the screen.
She’s attractive. The exact girl I would have sought out for a night of raw fun.
Her hair is long and as black as can be. Her skin slightly darker in color, but it’s her eyes that have me leaning forward in my seat. Her irises are grey as coal, lips painted in my favorite shade—blood red.
I try to imagine my cock between them, to picture her hair wrapped around my fist, but just as it comes to fruition, the hair turns white, the eyes frosting over, and I curse to myself.
“So, she’s Stygian born?” Creed confirms. “Familiar with the ways of Dark magic?”
Mother smiles proudly, her chin raising. Her eyes glow bright for a moment, and she nods. “Familiar with, advocates for, and holds the most power amongst her peers at Rathe U.”
“It sounds like you’re picking favorites, Mother.” Legend frowns.
“I am.” She dips her chin slightly, flinging her black nails out and the image disappears. Her eyes narrow now, and I know what’s coming. “What happened today at the gardens?”
“I tapped into royal magic to manipulate London's mind.”
“Good. That little bitch was getting out of control.”
I keep my expression cool, nodding slowly. “Yes, she was. It shouldn't be a problem any longer.”
“You mean we don't have to worry about her trying to kill everyone at every turn and becoming the daughter everyone expected the spawn of The Slasher to be?” A strange expression crosses my mother's face, one I've never noticed before but can't read.
Or maybe I haven't been paying close enough attention…
“Exactly.” I agree.