Page 85 of Fate of a Faux
The momentI step through the tunnel, I hear the heavy wings of the dragon who saved me beat against the wind as he leaves me in the unknown. It makes no sense, but a sense of loss wraps around me knowing he's no longer here. I lift my chin in stubbornness and let the darkness of the cave swallow me whole.
With each step I take, a new sensation washes over me. Strange sounds echo against the damp stone walls.
There are sharps snaps then harsh screams, blood-curdling cries for help, and then total silence.Strangely, quiet falls like a weight, dragging my shoulders down until every step is a hard fight. My feet feel like a bag of stones as I force them forward, deeper into the darkness with no sign of light to come. And then the sounds begin again, only this time they're closer.
The deep growl vibrates through my mind, ricocheting from right to left, left to right, and then a sharp sting scrapes down the length of my spine.My back bows, my palm flying and pressing against my chest as my heart beats ten times faster than before.If I weren't dead, technically speaking, I would swear I was having a heart attack. The pain is that real, that ghastly.Then, once again, silence.
Fearful of what might come next, I hesitate to move, but whatever spirits lie within this cave clearly aren’t a fan.
Wind swoops in behind me and it’s either take a step or fall flat on my face, so I move my damn feet, forcing them one in front of the other, and again, everything gets worse.
The muffled screams and whispered words are no longer distant sounds.
They're beacons, echoing around me and swallowing me whole as reality comes crashing down around me.
Images flash across the walls as my entire body shakes. I take them in like watching a carousel of Polaroid images flick through a projector.
Me at Ben’s hockey game … staring at Knight and his brothers across the arena.
Me kissing Sinner thinking he was Knight at a party.
Me sitting on Legend’s lap as Sinner pretends to be Knight, his tongue fucking mine.
Me on my back, Knight naked and hovering above me.
Me running, Knight catching me and waking in Rathe.
Fighting him.
Hating him.
A bond beating to life in my chest.
Needing him.
Wanting him.
Knight’s possessive touch, his tender words whispered.
The Queen's sharp glare and the harsh revealed truth.
Knight’s hatred and disgust.
My escape.
My dorm.
Ben…bloody and breathless, lifeless at the feet of the man fate says was mine.
I fall to my knees as the dryness of my throat feels like swallowing sandpaper. The tangy taste of vomit slithers up my throat as the acid spills out ofmy stomach and onto the damp ground beneath me.
I crumble, pain and sorrow threatening to swallow me whole as everything comes back at once.
Knight’s acceptance turned vengeance.
Me broken in a cell my so-called people put me in.
The King’s visit.