Page 15 of Rex's Release
“You or me?” Rex was enjoying the back and forth between them. The topic of conversation was definitely stimulating, but he was sure that it didn’t matter much what they talked about. He would hang from her every word, no matter what.
“Me? Probably, but I was asking about you.”
Rex swallowed hard and considered her question. He could honestly say he’d never had an urge to do that, but before he answered, he waited to see if any anxiety grew in him at the thought. When it didn’t, he admitted, “I’ve never thought about it, honestly, but now that I am, I’m not against it.”
The corners of her lips twitched. “I was kidding.” She cleared her throat. “If we’re going to do this, I need you to pick a safe word.”
He lifted a brow and his glass. “Whiskey?”
She shrugged. “Works for me.”
“Is that yours, too?”
A nod. “We can use whiskey. Keeps things simple and easy to remember. And I’m assuming you know you can always use it… no matter what we’re doing.”
“Yes.” He winked at her. “If one of us says it, everything stops. No resentment. No anger or frustration. It’s for safety and emotional health during what could be very deep situations. I may not have delved too deep, but I’m a curious man, Doc. I might have done some research.”
“Now you’re just talking dirty.”
Chuckling, Rex leaned forward and pressed his lips to her cheek, before he whispered, “I can’t wait to feel you.”
“Then go upstairs. Strip naked. Lay on your back in the middle of your bed. Arms above your head and spread.” She turned her head and nipped at his bottom lip. “You have five minutes.”
Rex wasn’t an idiot. He stood and headed up the stairs, grabbing their glasses and the bottle, bringing them with him.
Laying there on his navy sheets, staring up at the textured, stone-colored ceiling, Rex took slow breaths to keep himself calm. His wolf was pacing inside of him, whining and demanding they claim their mate. He didn’t know much about her, but he had full faith they were perfect for each other. The pull he felt toward her was stronger than anything he had ever felt before. For once in his life, he was seriously considering a full-on relationship with another person.
Rex was forty-one and had never been in an actual romantic relationship. He’d had more than his fair share of one-night stands and flings. His daughter was the result of one of his weekends of fun. Her mother wasn’t anyone special to him before he got her pregnant. After he found out she was pregnant, she became one of the most important people in his life. He made an attempt to be her friend and offer her as much support as he was able, but she didn’t want that. Nevaeh’s mother, Samantha Wiles, made it clear that he was just Nevaeh’s father and nothing more. He let it be and focused on giving Nevaeh the best life he could.
Rex wasn’t a relationship guy, but he was fully ready to commit to Doc. Sure, that could have a lot to do with his wolf identifying her as his mate, but he had trust in that. After watching his club brothers finding their mates, one right after another, Rex had seen the magic work. He’d seen how wonderful those matchups could be.
He wanted that for himself, which was a surprise, but a welcomed one. The thought of coming home to her being there in his space was tempting. Having her come home from a shift at the clinic to him making her dinner and running her a hot bath was even more tempting. He wanted to provide for her, take care of her,worshipher. Then, when they stepped foot into their bedroom, he wanted to submit to her every whim.
His heart started pounding faster as visions of what she might do to him flashed into his brain again. That was when he heard the telltale click of high heels on the wood floor of his hallway, slowly getting louder, closer. He could almost picture her slow-walking toward him. His heart started pounding hard enough that he heard the swishing in his ears.
Not wanting to miss a moment, he lifted his head and looked toward the open bedroom door. One beat. Two beats. On the third beat of his heart, she stepped through the doorway, wearing only black lace underclothes and her heels, and Rex swore that his heart stopped beating all together.
His wolf even stopped pacing, instead letting out a howl. And just like that, the wordmineshot to the front of his mind, confirming what he already knew. Doc was his, he was hers, and he would do whatever it took to complete that bond.
After undressing down to her panties, bra, and heels, Jolene grabbed a couple of things from her purse and headed up the stairs. As she ascended, Jolene considered how to handle the evening. The one thing she knew was she was going to ride that man until both of them were breathless and sated. How she got them to that point was still up in the air.
She heard him, and even believed him, when he said he was down for her taking charge, but people said a lot of things when they were faced with possibilities. She would give him a heavy dose of what she needed and see how he reacted. If he was truly down for it, they would be on the right path.
At the top of the stairs, she turned and headed down the upstairs hallway. She passed the first door. It was closed and had a sign hanging from it that saidThe princess is outin purple script. Taking a guess that it was Nevaeh’s room, she moved on to the next door. It was open, and she saw that it was a bathroom. Stepping in, she looked around to see what she could use to make their night even more enjoyable. Her eyes landed on the navy loofah mesh hanging from a hook in the shower, next to a pink one. Grabbing the navy one, she left the bathroom and moved on. Passing the next open door, she saw it was the guest room, decorated like he said in green and tan.
The last door in the hallway was toward the end and across the hall from the first three doors. It was open, and there was a faint glow coming from the doorway. Setting the objects she had gathered on a table in the hallway a few feet from the door, she approached the entrance and looked inside.
His head was lifted, and he was staring at the doorway as he laid exactly how she instructed on the bed. He was quite the sight with his hard muscles, tattoos, and impressive cock on display. Rex was a sexual playground for a woman like her. All that body and all the possibilities had her core clenching with anticipation.
As she stood there, taking him in, she heard a low, deep growl right before a blue light shined out from his eyes. She stilled and waited for the fear to build inside her, but it didn’t. Instead, she only felt more intrigued by the man.
“I’m taking that as a good sign,” she commented as she took three slow steps into the room and put her hands to her bare hips.
“It is,” he replied in a voice that was more wolf than man, based on the growl factor.
She gave him a wink before she took the time to look around his room, knowing the anticipation was building for him. The look on his face told her that he wasn’t sure what she was going to do. Rex seemed eager to get to the good part, but he wasn’t in charge. She was. This was her domain.