Page 31 of Rex's Release
When Nevaeh was a little girl and had complained every time he tried to brush her hair, he had gone to Ginger to ask what to do. Ginger told him he needed to make sure he was using the right products on her hair and sent him to the spa and salon the clubs owned. One of the members, now retired, Sass introduced him to the world of hair care for long hair.
Rex had made it his mission to try to understand as much as he could of what Nevaeh would go through, so while staring at the wall of bottles and tubes, he had decided to grow out his hair. If he knew what she was going through, he would have more patience and understanding of any struggles it caused her.
Sure, to some, it was a ridiculous reason, and he could see that now that he was much older, but at the time, he was just a single dad trying his hardest to do the best he could for his daughter. Over time, he grew to like his long hair and kept it, even after Nevaeh had suggested he cut it short again.
Through all of that, he realized just how important conditioner was and made sure they never ran out of the good stuff. Knowing he would be spending a lot of time at Doc’s, or at least hoping like hell he would, he made a mental note to grab another couple bottles of his hair care products and bring them with him the next time he went over there.
Climbing into his truck, he glanced around and cursed when he saw the Pathfinder parked a block down the road. Pissed, he started the engine and took off like a bat out of hell. The Pathfinder immediately pulled away from the curb and followed.
Seeing a stop sign ahead, Rex pulled his gun from the locked compartment hidden next to his seat and thumbed the safety. He stopped just before the corner and threw his truck into park, before he hopped out and headed for the Pathfinder. His wolf growled and snarled, hackles raised, with every step he made toward the approaching SUV.
He’d barely reached the ass end of his vehicle before the other automobile flew past him, ran the stop sign, and took off. He didn’t know who the fuck was in the Pathfinder, but he was getting damn sick of being followed.
After securing his weapon in the hidden compartment, Rex put on his hazard lights and pulled his phone from his pocket. Dialing up his president, he told his wolf to calm the fuck down because hunting down the assholes without a plan was just asking for an orange fucking jumpsuit, and he doubted the prison guards would let him leave to have playtime with Doc. And theyneededtheir playtime with their mate.
“Heard you were being neutered,” Gorgeous said on the other end of the line. “Need an after-procedure pickup?”
Even through his anger, Rex could appreciate her humor and snorted a laugh. “Where’s the boss man?”
“He’s rocking Nugget. She was fussy this morning and needed Dad time. This important?”
“It is. Can you fill in for him for a few minutes? I’ll make it as quick as I can.”
“You got it,” she replied, then he heard her telling Axle she needed to switch with him. Ashlyn ‘Gorgeous’ Weber really was the best thing that had ever happened to Axle. She was pushy when he needed it, but she always seemed to know when it was important for her to just take Axle’s lead. She was strong, but she was also soft and sweet. It was what made her the perfect unofficial leader of the Ol’ Ladies, the mates of the Howlers. She was to them what Axle was to the men, and she was damn good at it.
“What’s up, Rex?” Axle’s no-nonsense tone told Rex that Gorgeous had at least said it was important.
“Hey. Sorry to break up cuddle time with Nugget, but I was followed again this morning. When I left Doc’s, the Pathfinder was a block away and followed when I pulled away from the curb. I stopped at a stop sign and got out with my gun, but they took off around me and ran through the intersection.”
“Fuck,” Axle barked out, which was followed by a, “Orlan Weber, I know you aren’t cussing in front of my daughter,” from Gorgeous.
“Uh oh,” Rex uttered.
“Fuck you,” Axle said low, before his voice raised again. “Sorry, Gorgeous, it just slipped out.”
“That’s what he said.”
“Rex,” Axle growled, “meet me at the clubhouse in twenty.” Then the call disconnected.
Afteraparticularlybitterconversation with Dr. Thatcher, Jolene took a break and stormed out to her SUV. She took a few deep breaths and called her mother. If she didn’t get her mind off of choking the life out of her boss, she just might give into the urge.
It took three rings, then her mother answered, “Jo, how are you?”
The cheerful sound of her mother’s voice brought her a sliver of peace. “Hey Ma. I’m good. Just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.”
“Well… I’ve been doing my small walks. My physical therapist and nurses are still coming to help me, but I’m making progress. Tell me what’s going on in your life. I’ve been stuck at the house fordays. I need gossip.”
Jolene chuckled. “I went on a date. Okay… I’m still on a date, since every moment outside of work has been spent with him.”
“Ooooo… And who is this man?”
“His name is Rex. He cooks, Ma, and grocery shops.”
Knowing how important that was to Jolene, her mother’s voice was full of awe when she asked, “When is the wedding?”