Page 77 of Rex's Release
Doc grinned and nodded. “He’s yours, though. We’ll just keep him at my place while you’re in school. I gave him the name you picked, though.”
Tears filled his daughter’s eyes, and she looked up at him. “I get to keep the puppy. I named him Raptor, because he has a little growl that I imagine sounds like a dinosaur noise and… well… you’re Rex like a T-Rex… and yeah.”
Fuck. He loved his kid. She was such a great person with an amazingly deep heart. And his woman just gave her the best gift ever. He sent up a prayer to the gods for both of the women near him.
“So, we have Beast and Raptor, now,” Doc confirmed.
Rex’s gaze shifted over to Doc as Neveah wrapped her arms around his mate’s shoulders and hugged her tight. He let his eyes say all the things he wanted to say but couldn’t without causing Nevaeh mental damage.
As soon as we’re alone, and that better be ASAP, I am going to be the goodest of good boys to show my appreciation.
Doc’s lifted brow and smirk let him know that his message was received loud and clear.Shewas the best Christmas present he ever received and the only present he wanted for the rest of his life.
Glimpse of What’s to Come
Leaningbackagainsttheconcrete wall across the room from Messer, Trick crossed his arms and stared at her. She was sitting on the floor with her forearms folded and resting on her knees bent up in front of her. The look on her face was almost as if she had given up, and Trick didn’t like that.
As angry as he was at her and her mission, she was his mate, and it rankled his bear that she wasn’t happy. He had to come up with a way to both satisfy his bear and also keep his family safe. He was stuck between having his mate and having his family, but there had to be a solution. Therehadto be. He wouldn’t give up the people who had always supported him, but could he walk away from his mate forever to keep them? No, he didn’t think he could.
The problem was that keeping her around the compound or even in Warden’s Pass would mean he would need to practically make her his prisoner. What a way to start a relationship. The whole situation was a shit show.
“Why in the hell are you staring at me?”
The defeated tone to her voice was like a stab to his heart. Yes, she did it to herself. If it wasn’t for her choices, she wouldn’t be in that situation. But if it wasn’t for her choices, he wouldn’t have met her either.
“You’re my mate.”
“What the hell does that even mean?”
He sighed. “It means we were meant to be. It’s like soulmates for shifters.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Okay. Whatever you say.”
He chuckled low, but there was no humor in it. “I wish I knew what in the hell I did for the gods to give me a mate that wants me dead.”
Her words were so low that had he been human, he wouldn’t have heard them. “I don’t want you dead.”
Her light blue gaze lifted to meet his. “Before I left, I thought…” She shook her head and looked away. “Never mind.”
His bear gave a little whimper at that. Heneededto know the rest of that sentence. “No. Tell me.”
“I thought… we had something,” she admitted in that same defeated tone.
Trick’s smile was slight, but it was there. “Yeah, we did… because you’re my mate.”
A possible solution to their troubles began to form in his head as he watched her react to his words. If he could get her to agree, he was positive he could win Axle over to it.
Her attention returned to him. “How does it feel to know that your mate is going to be killed by the people you love?”
“Better question.” He took a few steps toward her and uncrossed his arms. “What would you do to save your life?”