Page 11 of Trick's Elite
Itfeltlikeforeveras Stella laid there on that bed, smelling Matthew’s scent, waiting for him to return. Her thoughts were bouncing back and forth between shifters aren’t bad to shifters are monsters more than they ever had before. Stella was starting to feel crazy. She didn’t know what to believe anymore.
The videos she’d seen had been horrifying and gory. The violence and aggression they had shown were disturbing. It didn’t take more than that, and she had been ready to hunt them all down and take them out. She didn’t even think of them as people in any way.
Then she met Matthew. At the time, she didn’t know he was a shifter, but he had never been violent or aggressive. Well, he had been aggressive that one time when he kissed her, but it had been in the best possible way. She had never felt unsafe around him.
In all the time she had been investigating the Howlers, she hadn’t seen anything that would have rung alarm bells had they been any other group of humans. If she were being honest with herself, since they were a motorcycle club, she expected more violence than she witnessed. If shifters were aggressive and violent, the Howlers had to be the weakest of the species, but she couldn’t even think that without snorting a laugh. There was nothing weak about that group of men.
Fuck. She was going to have to fucking accept what he was saying about shifters. Fine. Shifters weren’t monsters. That didn’t mean she had to forgive him for taking her prisoner and cuffing her, though.
She could practically hear her clit calling her a fucking liar.
Cursing herself, she tried to adjust on the bed to get more comfortable, but every movement reminded her that she was cuffed, and the worst part was she was beginning to not mind. How fucked up was that?
The door creaked open, and Matthew stepped through in all his dark skin and smoldering eye glory, making her clit thump even harder.Fucking traitor.
His gaze swung her way as he shifted the plastic bags in his hand to the other and shut the door behind him. “You good?”
“Yes,” she hissed and glared.
A slow smile grew on his beautiful lips that she wanted to taste again, which pissed her off. “You sure? You look like someone pissed in your cereal.”
“Fuck off.”
He shrugged and headed for the small table in the kitchen area. “Okay. Guess I’ll keep the mint chocolate chip ice cream to myself, then.” Then the fucker pulled a pint of the manna of the gods out of one of the plastic bags and put it in the freezer. He knew it was her favorite, since they had spent a night doing surveillance, and she had eaten two pints of it. He wasn’t playing fair.
Her mood swings were beginning to concern her. In a matter of moments, she was going from not trusting him and hating shifters to questioning everything she believed in and lusting after him. It wasn’t like her to be so flip-floppy about anything, let alone when her life was on the line. But was it? Really? Matthew had made it pretty clear that he wanted to and would keep her safe.Fuck. Once again, she was jumping from one extreme to another. But why?
As tears threatened to fill her eyes, the answer came to her quick as a blink.
“What’s the date?”
Matthew didn’t turn around. He kept unloading the bags onto the kitchen table. “The 16th. Why?”
She groaned and tried to figure out the best way to handle it.
“Why?” he repeated, a bit more firmly.
She started to laugh. She couldn’t help it. The entire situation was ridiculous. “Because I can almost promise you that I’m about to start my period.”
Slowly, Matthew turned and looked at her, one of his brows lifted. “And that’s funny?”
She nodded and held her stomach as the laughter consumed her. The thought of the big, beautiful man standing in front of shelves of tampons and pads was the funniest thing ever.
Shaking his head, Matthew put away the cold items, then headed for the door. “What kind am I buying?”
She stopped laughing and looked over at him. “What?”
“I’m assuming you aren’t going to free kitty your period, so what kind of tampons or pads do you need?”
“You’re going to buy me tampons?”
He shrugged. “Periods are a fact of life, Stella. And I’m not an asshole. You can’t go get them, so I’m going to.”
A warm and cozy feeling started in her gut and spread throughout her torso. He was being a good guy.Stop it, Stella! He’s holding you prisoner! And he lied to you for weeks!She frowned and reminded herself that she wasn’t supposed to fall for the sexy liar.
“Figure it out,” she grumbled and looked away.
She heard him let out a sigh, right before the door slammed shut behind him as he left.