Page 4 of Trick's Elite
“Anything, sir.”
“What do you think we should do about it?”
Chapter Three
Stellacouldn’tfuckingbelieveit. She probably should have expected it, but it hadn’t even crossed her mind. She figured they would be on his bike, not in a cargo van, and she sure as hell didn’t expect to be handcuffed to a horizontal pole that ran along the inside of the back of that van.
Glaring at the back of his head, Stella huffed out an irritated breath. “I thought we were supposed to be learning to trust each other,” she grumbled.
Trick glanced back at her before his gaze returned to the road. “We will… but we’re not there yet.”
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
She stretched her legs out in front of her and crossed them at the ankles. Resting her free hand in her lap, she rolled her head, attempting to release the tension building in her neck. At least he gave her a damn cushion to sit on. Sitting on the hard metal floor for god knew how long would have been hell, especially after the hours she had spent sitting on the concrete in that holding room.
It could be minutes, or it could be hours that they would be on the road. Stella didn’t have a clue, but she suspected he wouldn’t have told her if she had asked, so she resigned herself to just waiting. Relaxing her head back against the side of the van, she closed her eyes and let the hum of the road noise lull her to sleep.
A jolt and some bouncing on her cushion woke Stella from her nap. Her bladder was screaming at her, which wasn’t uncommon. It didn’t matter how long she slept for, she always had to pee when she woke up. The continued bouncing around that the van was doing wasn’t helping in that department.
“Fuck,” she blurted when a bump in the road had her catching air before dropping down on the cushion again. Her bladder bitched and moaned, forcing Stella to press her legs together harder.
“Sorry. Didn’t see that one,” Trick called from the driver’s seat as the van slowed considerably.
“Why is the road so bumpy?”
“Because we’re technically not on a road,” he replied, but didn’t offer any further explanation.
Stella craned her neck, attempting to see out the front window. All she could see were treetops and glimpses of the darkening sky. It was obviously evening, and they must be traveling on a path or dirt driveway into the woods.
“I have to piss,” she told him.
“Hold it. We’re almost there.”
He chuckled. “You’ll see.”
She huffed out another breath and prayed she didn’t piss her damn pants. How embarrassing would that be?
Five minutes later, the treetops separated, and Stella saw the roof of what looked to be a cabin of some sort. She watched as the dark green wooden siding and wide front porch came into view before Trick turned and parked the van.
“We’re here. Let me unlock the door and carry in our stuff. Then I’ll come get you.”
“Just uncuff me. I need to go,” she grumbled.
“You’re a big girl. You can hold it,” he replied and slid out of the driver’s seat. A few seconds later, the rear doors of the van opened, and she watched as Trick lugged two fifty-five-gallon totes from the back. After another trip with another two totes, he finally climbed into the back and pulled the handcuff key from the front pocket of his cut.
The chill of the air from the open rear doors of the van caused goosebumps to appear on her arms and had her nipples hardening. If Trick noticed, he didn’t comment, but she knew he could see it through the thin bra and polo shirt.
She didn’t spot any snow on the ground, but it was December in the Midwest. That could change in a matter of minutes.
Her captor crouched in front of her and smiled. “Now, I’m going to uncuff you, but there are some things you need to know.”
“Can I know them after I piss?”