Page 46 of Trick's Elite
Listening for activity inside the building.
Four. Three.
Deep breathing as she ran through the plan in her mind.
A last deep breath before she shifted into position in front of the door.
Bracing herself on her right leg, she lifted her left knee up to her chest, aimed for the area just above the lock on the door, and kicked out. Her booted foot hit the door flat, the force of her kick breaking the door as it separated from the frame and swung inward.
When her foot hit the ground again, she adjusted her stance, feet parted, gun aimed in front of her, trigger finger along the outside of the trigger guard. She was ready.
Keeping her gun trained in front of her, she slowly entered the building, keeping her knees bent and her eyes open. The room was dark with no windows, but she did her best to spot any targets.
Across from the door were several shelving units full of boxes of what she knew to be ammunition. To the right of the door, Stiletto counted eight stacks of wooden crates, three tall.Twenty-four crates.In front of them were three faux walls, which looked to be six feet in height and eight feet wide. Covering the fronts of the walls were blades of various types, lengths, weights, and purposes on hooks and shelves.
Moving slowly, she checked between the shelving units and the faux walls for anyone that could be considered a danger to her or Trick.
There was no one.
She had just rounded the last faux wall when she heard Trick call out, “Clear.”
“Clear,” Stiletto called back, then she took up a position that put her behind one of the faux walls but also gave her sight of the backdoor.
“We’ll give it a few minutes to see if anyone comes running,” Trick said, as he did the same by the front door.
“They will,” she said, but she wondered why the idiots left the armory unguarded. It left her feeling uneasy. Something was wrong.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Ashesuspected,thehunters came running less than a minute later. Seeing them come across the field from in between the dorm buildings from his position to the right of the door, Trick called out to Stiletto. “Heads up. I see… eight.”
“Got it. Call out.”
They had agreed the easiest way was to call out when one was taken down, since they would be at opposite ends of the building without having eyes on each other.
Trick’s bear hated the plan. The animal thought Trick shouldn’t have let her come on the mission. To him, their mate should be safely tucked away somewhere where the enemy couldn’t reach her, because his bear didn’t give a shit about training or respecting her skills. He only cared about her safety.
Ignoring his bear’s growls and huffing, Trick aimed and waited for the first idiot to step back into his sight. The first hunter to step out from cover was running from the corner of one of the dorms to the tree line. Trick picked him off. As soon as the man hit the ground, Trick was scanning for his next victim.
“One,” Stiletto called back.
Shouting started between the hunters. There were volleying questions about whether someone was in the armory, or if animals had breached the building. Trick wanted to roll his eyes at their comments. The academy obviously didn’t value intelligence, because of course it was a person, unless the squirrels and raccoons had learned how to operate handguns.
Trick was able to take down two more, shouting out the numbers as he did so before he heard gunfire and Stiletto shout, “Four,” from her position.
It took everything in him to keep from heading over to her to check that she was okay. He needed to stay focused. His bear was roaring inside of him, not liking the fact that their mate was in any kind of danger.
“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath as he battled his instincts.