Page 18 of Forget Me Knot
He looks a little embarrassed now, but he’s still smiling when he answers shyly, “It smelled like you. I wanted it to look like you, too.”
God, that’s too cute.
“Does it have a name?” I ask with a smirk when my laughter finally dies down.
Looking at me incredulously, he asks, “Did you really just ask me that,Shortcake?”
I have another lightbulb moment. “You named your strawberry Shortcake?” I ask, my eyes misting over as he nods. I swear, I’m not usually this weepy, but I think Kai said moodiness was a side effect of the meds I’m on. That reminds me, “Hey, would I be able to see a doctor before we leave? I know you guys said a nurse saw me while I was… asleep... but I would like to see a doctor and be fully conscious.”
Throwing me a mildly concerned look, he calls out for Kai.
A neatly styled blonde head pops out of the door. “Yeah?”
Hades runs his fingers through my hair again as I hold Shortcake Junior to my chest, enjoying the softness of it. “Would you mind calling that concierge service back and seeing if they can get a doctor out here tomorrow morning for an appointment for Blake? The earliest one they have available.”
Achilles pops his head out. “Uhh, so about tomorrow.” He grimaces. “I just got a call from Amelia, and we’re needed at HQ, like, as soon as possible. The jet will be here tomorrow at two.”
I feel an irrational spike of jealousy when he says another woman’s name, and a tiny growl slips out of my throat. All three men look at me in shock before Kai’s eyes widen in realization. Walking over to me and cupping my face in his large hands, he calmly reassures me, correctly guessing the reason for the sudden shift in my mood.
“Sugar, Amelia is a female Alpha in an all-female pack. They’ve been bonded to their Omega, Jane, for over ten years. I swear you willneverhave anything to worry about with us because we only wantyou.You’ll get a chance to meet everyone we work with if you want. OHP only employs bonded men and women for the safety of the Omegas we rescue. Which means we’re invited to lots of family dinners and holidays, and now we have an Omega to brag about. If you’ll let us.”
Hades glares at him from over my shoulder. “She hasn’t actually given an answer yet, you dick. Don’t pressure her.”
Rolling his eyes, Kai lightly growls back. “I would never, and you know that. I know y’all just made up, and that’s great, but that doesn’t mean you get to act like an overb—”
“Yes.” My whispered word cuts off their argument and is followed by absolute silence.
All three men turn to look at me, but it’s Achilles who speaks from directly in front of me. “Yes what, Blake? Be very specific about what you’re agreeing to here.”
I give the men a big, cheesy grin as I say, “Yes, I would like to accept your formal request to court me, however that may look to you, both individually and as a pack.”
It’s silent for another minute before absolutechaoserupts. I’m picked up and swung around by Kai as Kaspian and Rook join us outside with twin looks of confusion on their faces.
“Somebody wanna fill us in?” Rook asks.
I peek at them over Kai’s shoulder and, as casually as possible, respond, “I’m not really sure what happened. It’s all a bit of a blur. One minute I was holding Shortcake Junior overreacting to hearing Achilles say another woman’s name, and the next thing I know I’ve accepted an invitation of courtship from a group of crazy ass men who searched for a stranger for seven years.” I smirk at them, waiting to see when it clicks.
I’m not disappointed.
Rook steals me out of Kai’s arms to give me a bear hug while Kas shoves his twin in the pool, curling himself around my back to hug both of us. If this is what pack life is like, even some of the time? I can’t wait.
Blake and I need to be up bright and early this morning to meet with the doctor, and I’m quickly learning that our girl isnota morning person. Leaning over the side of the bed, I stroke my hand down the side of her perfect face as she grumbles at me.
“Come on, Sugar. You’ve gotta get up. I need you up and at ‘em before the doctor gets here to take your blood and whatever else you wanted done.” She gives me the cutest damned grunt in response, turning onto her back and peeking one eye open as I start to pull the covers off.
Shaking her head and crooking her finger at me, I lean down, thinking she just wants to whisper so she doesn’t wake up any further.
Boy, am I wrong.
The minute I’m within reach, she wraps her arms around my neck andpulls.How someone so small can get so much leverage is beyond me, and before I even have a chance to catch myself, I’m on top of her and we’re touching from chest to toe. I would normally say head to toe, but considering she only reaches my chest on a good day, we’ll go with that.
As I chuckle and move to roll off of her, I get astronghit of her scent that goes straight to my dick, and without conscious thought, I groan and grind myself into her pussy. With only two thin layers separating us, I can feel the heat coming off of her core, and I growl, forcing myself to pull away. Blake hasn’t been this forward once since we met her, and reaching up to feel her forehead, I can feel that she’s burning up.