Page 29 of Forget Me Knot
“Holy shit,” I say, shock rolling through me as I finally start to put the pieces together. The red hair, the eye color, her age. “We found her? I knew her all this time? My Blake isBlakely O’Connor?”
They all look a little misty-eyed now, and even I can feel myself getting choked up. Turning to my pack, I try to keep it together long enough to explain. “Do y’all remember when Beckett’s twin sister went missing after preschool one day? He had been home sick, so Mrs. O’Connor arrived a few minutes later than normal to pick up Blakely, but when she got there, nobody knew where she was. We helped them search formonths.Rook, your parents even funded the search parties when the police declared it a cold case six months later.” Covering my mouth with my hand, I turn back to our friends to see them all crying or nearly there.
Beckett sniffs and clears his throat. “We had the shirt y’all sent us examined for DNA, and two matches came back from the Bureau. One for a Phillip Morris, who is a known trafficker, and the other was linked to our sister’s cold case.” He breaks out into huge, wracking sobs.
Grayson, the last of the O’Connor brothers, pulls Beck’s head into his chest and rocks him back and forth like you would a small child. Which is probably exactly how he feels right now. Looking up at us with tears running down his own cheeks, he says five words that are going to change my Shortcake’s life forever.
“Blake is our missing sister.”
I’m trying to be gentle as I drag Blake deeper into the set, but good god, I am nearlydrowningin my need for this girl. She was so excited to come today, and we’ve learned so much about each other. I’m used to the guys not liking the things I like, or teasing me for them, so the fact that my Omega likes them? I’m about to lose it. She let me geek out about my favorite books and movies the entire tour, and not only activelylistenedto me, but shegot it.She likes them all too. Or she likes the idea of them, since she wasn’t really allowed TV as a child. I’d get down on one knee right now if the guys were here, but since they aren’t, I’m not leaving without at least my bite on her.
Pulling her into a corner of the dark alley, I gently grab her throat and push her up against the fake brick facade. “I was planning on waiting a bit before I asked you this, but you made me fall in love with you in less than two damned hours today, Blake. I know we’re scent matched, and even though that doesn’t necessarily always mean the match will work,ours will.I want you to be mine, B.Mynerd buddy,mypartner in crime,myPrincess,my Omega.” I say the princess part with a tiny smirk, and she gives me a mock glare.
She’s so fucking cute.
Surprising me, she pushes herself up onto her toes as she grabs my sweater and yanks me down to meet her lips. She slips her tongue into my mouth, and I gowild.
I grip her thighs in my hands and lift her up, so she can wrap her legs around my hips, not breaking the kiss for even a moment as I press her back against the wall. Using the wall for leverage, I let go of her leg with one hand and cup her face, tilting it to the side so I can slide my tongue in deeper. Her strawberry shortcake scent is filling the space around us, and she tastes even better than she smells.
“I want to be yours, Kaspian,” she says, pulling back so her lips brush mine as she speaks. “Today has been one of the best days of my entire life, and it’s barely halfway over. Seeing you away from the rest of the pack and in your element has shown me everything I need to know about you. You told me you spend your life in Kai’s shadow, always the quiet one, the one who’s afraid to be left out, but I see you. You’re passionate and smart and so kind to everyone you meet, even with the grumpy face you’re always making.”
I feel myself scowling at her last comment, proving her point. Her giggle is the sweetest thing in the world, and I hope I get to hear it every day for the rest of my life.
“It’s only been a week since we found you, Princess, and already I can’t imagine my life with you. You’re right, I am used to living in Kairo’s shadow. I don’t resent him for it. He’s just always been loud and outspoken and funny, and sometimes he’s my voice when I get anxious. He does take it too far sometimes. Sometimes he speaks for me when I don’t want him to, but it comes from a good place,” I tell her, completely confident that even though I’m talking about him, she would never tell Kai any of this if I don’t want her to.
Needing to express my gratitude to this perfect woman, I kiss her deeply. She moans as I lick my way into her mouth, gripping her ass tighter as she grinds against me. We get lost in each other for several minutes until my lungs are begging for oxygen.
Pulling back, I continue as I catch my breath. “I don’t talk about my anxiety with anybody but the guys, and even they don’t know how bad it gets sometimes. Being around you is the only time I don’t feel like the walls are closing in, B. You make me feel seen, but not like there’s a spotlight on me. I can breathe when I’m with you. I’ve been wondering how Rook was ready to bond with you so fast, but Princess, I’mthere.I need you to be mine in every way, no matter how fast it is. You’re already my Omega, but will you take my bite too?”
Giving her a minute to process everything I just dumped on her, I squeeze her thighs and drop playful kisses all over her face. I kiss her cheeks, her forehead, her nose, and by the time I get to her eyelids, she’s giggling and pushing me back.
I assume she backed off to answer my question, so when she stays quiet and slides off of me before dropping down to her knees, I’m a bit lost. My confusion is short-lived because the second she runs her hands down my thighs and licks over my erection that’s throbbing behind my jeans, all rational thought is gone.
“To answer your earlier question,” she says, looking up at me through her lashes with affection shining in her eyes. “I was terrified to come to London, and to come here today. I spent the last seven years locked in a basement and it doesn’t feel real that I’m free and safe. And I still haven’t wrapped my head around the bond with Rook, but I’ve never been happier,” she says sweetly before unzipping my jeans. She pulls them down just enough so she can lap up the precum dripping from the head of my cock.
Jesus H. How can such a sweet mouth be capable of such sinful things?
She pulls back the barest inch and continues. “You’re giving me space to figure out who I am outside the basement, and you’re holding my hand while I do it. You listen to me, and always ask my opinion on things. Even things as simple as food. I just… I don’t think I need to know every detail about you to love you. The scent match helps, but I fell in love with you foryou.It might be soon, but I want to be your Omega, Kaspian. I want your bite.”
Growling, I yank her back up to my lips, kissing her fiercely and sliding my hands under her thighs to pick her up again. I’m so lost in the taste of her I don’t notice that I’m feeling only the bare skin of her ass underneath my hands. I groan deeply. “Princess, are you not wearing shorts under my hoodie?”
She shakes her head slowly, a blush spreading from her cheeks down her neck before disappearing under the sweater.
“Naughty girl, Princess. I’m gonna have to punish you for that later,” I say, nipping at her bottom lip.
Her pupils are huge, but she looks a little nervous. “I’m s..sorry Kas. I didn’t know I couldn’t do that. I promise I’ll put on pants if we can stop at the hotel before we go to OHP.” She almost looks near tears, and I let go of her ass to cup her face.
“Blake, Princess, take a deep breath and then look at me,” I say gently. She takes several before looking me in the eyes. “I was just kidding, baby. None of us willeverhurt you. I swear. Something I hope you’ll let me teach you is that when I say punishment, I mean something that is going to bring you pleasure, never pain. And if you ever don’t like something we say or do, or you find a trigger you didn’t know you had, you tell us right away. The word punish is clearly a trigger right now, so we’ll avoid that, okay? You’re safe with us, Princess. And you can wear and do whatever the fuck you want.”
She looks relieved now, and I let out a breath. “Thanks, Kas. I needed to hear that. I’ve just had too many people punish me in my life for pretty much everything I did, and with you guys, I don’t feel like I need to be careful all the time. I worried I got too comfortable and finally messed up,” she whispers, her eyes downcast again.
“B, look at me.” She does. “You have complete free rein with us. You can wear, say, do anything, and we willnevertreat you like you aren’t an equal. That means no real punishments, no yelling, and no pain.Ever.We love you too much to treat you like those pieces of shit ever did, okay?”