Page 33 of Forget Me Knot
Nodding, I continue. Sweet looks from each of my guys give me the courage to finish my story. “So, I was locked in my room, and it started to get really hot, which I remember thinking was weird because they never turned on the heat, no matter how cold it got. I went to try to open my door, but my hand got burned really bad and I started crying. I tried hitting my door with my chair because it was the only solid thing I had, but the chair broke. I was so small and weak from being hungry for so long.”
The men growl again at that, and I wince, not having meant to let that part slip.
“It was really smokey, and I was starting to panic because I didn’t have a way out or a way to call 911. My window was nailed shut, so I used a piece of the chair to break the glass. The house was really old, so thankfully the glass broke easily. I could hear sirens and see neighbors standing around, but nobody was looking at the attic window. I guess over the noise, nobody heard it break…” I trail off, lost in thought for a minute as memories of that day threaten to overwhelm me.
I’m jolted back to the present when Kai lifts my chin. “Stay with us, Sugar. You’re not there anymore. You’re safe. We’ve got you,” he murmurs. My eyes water, and I give him a small lift of my chin. With a nod, he encourages me to go on.
“The attic was on the third floor, and the fire was so fast. It had already spread through the door. I was ten years old and scared I was going to die. After another minute, I knew help wouldn’t make it in time, so I climbed out the window and held onto the ledge as long as I could before my arms gave out and I dropped. Thankfully, one of the men standing around had noticed me and was able to catch me before I hit the ground. My hands and arms were cut and bloody. I had bruises from the day before, and I’m sure I looked like a wreck. The man didn’t care that I was getting blood all over his clothes. He still held me the entire time until Social Services got there. Even as the paramedics checked me over, he insisted he be allowed to stay with me…”
The guys all look a little confused, and looking back, I can see why they were confused. Rook looks the most troubled.
“Angel,” he asks, “did you know that man?”
I shake my head. “No, but he seemed so angry. Notatme, butforme. I remember him flashing a badge and trying to stay with me even longer. But because they couldn’t find my birth certificate, he said his hands were tied, and I had to go with Social Services,” I say quietly. “I only know his name because he kept repeating it. He just kept saying he wanted me to know the name Roman James in case I ever got in trouble with the police or needed help.”
He sucks in a breath, eyes wide. “Blake… I think that man was my uncle.”
I’m gaping at Rook for several long seconds before a slightly hysterical laugh bubbles out of me, causing him to look at me in alarm. Tears are building in my eyes as I stare at him, the laughter receding slightly when I see his face that had just been shocked turn grim.
“That’s not funny, Daddy,” I whisper as he moves closer.
I thought I was quiet enough that nobody but him would hear me, but I’m quickly proven wrong when Hades chokes behind me. He sends himself into a coughing fit as he moves away from me, brushing off the others’ concern. My cheeks are flushed when I turn back to see a small smile playing on the big guy’s lips.
He leans down, getting right in my ear so only I can hear him. “I love it when you call me that, Angel.Especiallywhen we’re in public.” Lightly sucking at his bond mark, he leans back and winks before sobering.
“I wasn’t kidding, Angel,” he speaks loud enough for the other guys to hear this time. “I know it’s been a long time, but was he super tall? With black hair, features similar to mine? He would have had a fresh scar or a bandage through his left eyebrow.”
My jaw drops open. “Holy crow,” I whisper. “How… how is that possible?”
Shaking his head, he takes my hand. “I don’t know, Blake. But we’re gonna go home and find out. I promise.”
I’m distracted from answering when I catch the faint scent of strawberries and chocolate. It triggers something in my brain that I can’t quite latch on to, tears immediately springing to my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.
Kas is by my side in seconds, cupping my cheeks in both hands. “B, what is it? What just happened? Your scent just took a nosedive,” he says frantically.
I shake my head quickly; the scent getting stronger. “I—”
“Hey,” a new voice says. “Are y’all alright out here? I thought we were gonna meet… Blake.” The stranger stops abruptly less than two feet in front of me, tears filling his light green eyes the minute he sees me behind the guys. “Oh my god… I thought... I didn’t really think it was you,” he chokes out through sobs. He looks so familiar and actually, he looks just like me. With the same eyes, red hair, and freckles covering his face. Although he has a lot less than I do, and he’s probably close to a foot taller than I am.
Another man comes rushing up behind him, bringing the familiar scent of peaches with him. This one is even taller than the first, with dark russet hair and a thin layer of facial hair the same color. “Beck, you good, brother? You’re all over the place in the bond right… now.” He stops speaking and his jaw drops open as the man, Beck, I guess, turns the newcomer’s head towards me. “Holy shit… Blakely?” he whispers. “Is that you, bug?”
I step back, using Kas and Rook as human shields. I don’t know what’s going on, but I know their scents, and I don’t know why. I can feel panic beginning to creep up my throat as my breathing becomes erratic.
My head is shaking as I step back. “I don’t… I don’t know you,” I squeak out through my tears. “My name is Blake, not Blakely. I don’t...” I stop, taking a deep breath as strong arms wrap around me from behind. Closing my eyes, I catch another whiff of their scents and something about them mixing together urges memories forward that I’m not sure are real.
Loud Sunday morning breakfasts, fighting my brothers for the last chocolate chip pancake.
Holding hands with Beckett and skipping on walks to school with mama.
Daddy Ben holding me on his shoulders at the rodeo so I can see the horses.
Grayson gently pulling my pigtails and telling me I’ll always be his very best friend.