Page 7 of Forget Me Knot
I want to be surprised that the man who raised me would do such a horrible thing, but honestly? I’m not. I had an idea when I realized he had drugged me. Between how he looked, the dinner, and the way he spoke to me and touched me, I knew something bad was coming. But maybe I didn’t realize it wasthisbad.
If I had been alone with Phil when the drugs fully kicked in…
My whole body begins to shake as terrifying scenarios play on a loop in my mind.
Me, face down, begging for a knot and angering Phil to the point where he beats me again.
Breaking out of the basement and asking the first Alpha I see in the street to knot, breed, and bite me.
Out of my mind, writhing in pain, crying for relief that won’t come.
Phil, taking what he’s always wanted and couldn’t have until yesterday, me. A newly presented Omega.
It’s that last vision in my head that has me snapping out of my panic attack long enough to tell the Alpha in front of me, “Kai, I’m gonna be sick.”
He grabs the trash can from next to the bed and slides it under my face just in time for me to throw up last night’s drugged dinner. Holding my hair back and whispering soothing words from above my head.
“It’s alright Sugar, let it out. You’re safe now. We’ve got you. Just breathe, Blake. That’s it. Nice, deep breaths.”
I tilt my head up, tears running down my face, as he grabs me a warm wet washcloth from next to the bed that he must have brought in with him earlier. Lightly grabbing my chin in his strong hand, he uses the cloth to wipe away my tears gently, before wiping over my mouth. Handing me a glass of water, he holds out his opposite hand and in it are four pills. Two that are plain white and oblong, one that is round and yellow, and another that’s round and white.
He points at the while pills and says, “These are basic pain relievers for your headache, and they shouldn’t react to the drugs already in your system. You can take these now.” He hands them to me, waiting for me to swallow them before he points to the other white pill. “This one is for any nausea you might experience due to the drugs he gave you, but it might make you sleepy, so if you don’t want to take this one, I understand.”
“Actually, I would really like to not be so nauseous anymore, so I’ll take it if that’s okay. I hate throwing up more than almost anything. I’m terrified of it, actually.” I give a humorless chuckle.
Sympathy shines in his eyes as he looks at me. “It’s okay, Sugar. Kas is that way, too. Take this now and then we’ll talk about this last one.”
Tossing the white pill back, I point to the last pill in his hand and tell him, “That one’s pretty, so it can’t be bad… right?” I gently tease Kai as he chuckles at me, flashing that grin again.
“Good guess, this one isn’t anythingbad,but it might not be very fun.” He looks a little anxious as he begins to explain the innocuous looking yellow pill. “This one is a heat suppressant. You’ll need to take one every day for about a week, to counteract the effects of the Predatocin and make sure you aren’t thrown into a premature heat. There are a few side effects, like headaches, mood swings, cramping, and fatigue. Basically, it would be like having a nasty case of PMS. Are those symptoms something you can live with for the next week or so?”
I start giggling. I truly can’t help it. It’s such amanthing to ask. It’s nice though. As long as I didn’t bother him, Phil never mentioned my “overdramatic women’s troubles”. Soon I’m laughing so hard tears are forming in my eyes again.
He looks shocked for a minute before he laughs, too. “That was probably a dumb question, huh?” he asks, shaking his head. “I don’t have any sisters, so forgive me if it takes me a minute to get used to having a girl around the house again. I haven’t lived with an Omega since I left home at eighteen, and that was like six years ago now.”
I smile at him. “It’s okay. I grew up alone for my whole life but for one year, so I really only have myself for reference. I won’t hold it against you.”
He shakes his head before holding out his hand, drawing us back to the reason for the giggling. “Alright, Sugar. Let’s get this first dose down now, then. It’s best to do it as soon as possible.”
With a small smirk, I grab it out of his hand and swallow it down with the last of the water in my glass.
Rolling his eyes playfully, he slaps his palms down on his legs. “Alright, let’s get you to the shower, yeah? And then you can meet the guys. I’ll show you to the bathroom real quick, and while you’re showering, I’ll take care of this,” he says, pointing at the trash can.
I look at Kai with a grimace. “You really don’t need to do it. I can take care of it myself. I’m sure this isn’t how you imagined spending your weekend.”
“Sugar, look at me,” he says, wrapping his hand around the back of my head while his fingers burrow into my knotted hair. “There isnowhereI’d rather be than here with you right now. Let me, no, letustake care of you. It’s the least you deserve. Plus, all five of us are caretakers, and none more than Rook, who you’ll meet in a bit.”
Slowly agreeing, I tilt my head. “Okay. I’ll try.”
He beams down at me and winks, leaning down to whisper, “Good girl. Now let’s get your pretty behind in the shower before you meet the guys.”
I shiver, sighing deeply. This guy managed to put a crack in the walls around my heart in less than an hour. I don’t like it one bit.
“Alright, charmer. Let’s go.”