Page 22 of A Shade of Evil
I reach for her hand and pull her to her feet, fucked and gorgeous as the moon bathes her in its ghostly light.
I pull her over to the edge, much like before, and position her with her back to the railings, kicking her legs apart.
“What is your answer now, princess?” I whisper against her lips, and she says breathlessly, “It’s still yes.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Fuck no,” she says with a wicked smile, and I smirk, “Good answer.”
The fact I am still dressed gives me more power because I am shielding her from view as she shivers in my arms.
Knowing the rail will be cold against her back offers her a certain kind of discomfort that I’m looking for.
As I begin to kiss every inch of her silky skin, she comes alive under my touch, her breathing fast and her moans of pleasure music to my ears.
The sound of the helicopter starting up causes her to shriek and I say roughly, “Stay with me, princess.”
I flick her clit with my tongue, causing her to groan and as I suck and tease her the helicopter takes flight. Knowing she is naked and putting on a show, I’m certain of the photographs that will arrive on Judge Stevenson’s desk in the morning. I almost wish I was there to watch, but strangely, I am having far too much pleasure to leave what I’m doing.
She comes hard on my tongue, and I roll the delight of her around my mouth, loving the sweet taste of revenge. Yes, everyone will soon discover that sweet little Allegra Powell is fucking a criminal and her perfect life will never be the same again.
Iam on sensory overload. It’s almost too much as I throw decency overboard and allow myself to be corrupted in such a demeaning way. The pleasure this man is bringing to my body is heightened by the location, along with the fine wine running like a river of damnation through my veins and the pain of betrayal that is driving my actions. There is also the freedom being out here brings. The fact we are in the middle of the ocean with nobody around for miles, experiencing the salty spray on my body and the wicked heat of this man’s mouth.
I am experiencing sensation overload and couldn’t stop this if I tried. I don’t even care that I’m naked for anyone to see. It’s strangely liberating and I’m hungry for more of the euphoria I am experiencing now. He could ask anything of me because out here I’m no longer Allegra Powell. I am reinventing myself and grabbing the experience by the balls.
As I cum hard, I swear I see fireworks. He is that good and yet when I collapse against him, he won’t let me fall and carries me to the couch and lies me flat on my back. As I peer up, he tears off his tie and shrugs out of his shirt, his hard ripped body a feast for my eyes. I watch with delicious anticipation as he tears his belt from his waist and then grips my wrists and uses it to fasten them together. The bite of leather and cool steel of the belt make me gasp and as he hooks them over the back of the chair, he drops his pants, kicking them away, standing before me naked and magnificent.
“I’m going to fuck you princess and there is nothing you can do about that.”
His dirty words cause me to pant because why the fuck would I want to say no to this?
He drops down over me and stares into my eyes with the look of the devil and as he bites down on my lip it draws blood, causing me to squeal, “Ow.”
He merely laughs and turns his attention to my breasts, biting the nipples so hard it makes me scream and then he grips my hips and says darkly, “Birth control?”
I nod, my voice not my own anymore as I stutter, “Condom?”
“Not a fucking chance.” He grins and with one thrust spears me hard and deep, causing me to cry out as he pounds into my body as if it’s under attack. He’s merciless as he tears through me like an out-of-control beast, and I can do fuck all about it. He grips my neck in an iron hold and commands, “Look at me.”
I open my eyes to stare into two dark pits of evil as he ravages my body. The fact it excites me is a very good thing because this is a frightening experience for a girl used to life inside a pink bubble. But its him. Shade Vieri. He is so damn attractive I can’t think straight and I’m loving everything so far.
He pushes in deeper, causing me to moan, “Shade, Fuck me, that is so good.”
He pounds relentlessly, owning my body and teaching me how good it is to be dominated because all my inhibitions, fears, and anxieties have left me. I am free. I am his now. He controls me and has taken my burden as his own. He has everything. He owns me just like he said he would and as I clench around his cock, I’m shocked when he pushes harder against my neck and growls, “Don’t you dare fucking come.”
It shocks me as he pushes in harder, faster, deeper and I can hardly breathe as he cuts off my air supply and just when I think it’s all over, death by fucking, he releases his hold and yells, “Now you can come.”
As he explodes inside me at the same time the air reaches my lungs, my orgasm crashes through my body in one violent attack. It overcomes me as violent waves shock my body. Causing it to convulse as if I’m having some kind of sex seizure.
I can’t breathe. I am riding a wave so high it may drown me. I swear I even black out for a second as my soul leaves my body and suspends above it, watching the destruction of a woman who never knew sex could be this good. As my soul comes back to me and my body starts to behave, I am left with an overwhelming urge for more. Am I a sex addict now? Will I be seeking this high from any potential donor just for the euphoria I want to bottle and keep for my pleasure?
I don’t even care that he has moved away and is dressing, as if I’m a whore he picked up off the streets. He has used me and got what he wanted. Then again, I never doubted his success, just my own ability to refuse him.
He could leave me here and I’d be happy. I am delirious and feel as if I kind of used him in a way. This wasn’t making love. This was downright dirty sex and now I know what all the fuss is about I want more of the same. Yes, seven days and nights is not enough. He was right I would love every minute. But I’m here now and this is the beginning of the best week of my life.