Page 27 of A Shade of Evil
“And I will never see you again.” I press, unsure why I need that to be a condition. If anything, I’m hoping he says no, but he nips my neck and whispers, “Never.”
He rubs my nipple between his fingers and whispers, “So whatever we do stays between us. No judge and jury and no repercussions. Out here you are free and if you can live with the memory, I can show you how extreme life can be when you ditch your principles and step into the darkness.”
I am so fucking turned on because he is promising me something I really need right now. Oblivion.
Ihave her exactly where I want her. She will do everything I say and won’t even realize it’s all in the name of revenge. She believes this is how I get my kicks. It is, but usually with whores, not decent women who deserve better. I’m not interested in them. I’m not my brother and definitely don’t want to hitch myself to one woman. I am too far gone for that. My depravity has overtaken my common sense and I am sexually out of control.
Luckily for me, my business ensures a steady stream of willing companions and no comeback. I can do what the fuck I want with who I want. Killian will be my Don, which means I have none of the duty he is expected to show. He was told to clean up his act and be respectable. To marry and to paint a picture of domestic bliss and security. The fact he fell in love was a bonus but me-my instructions were very different.
Make sure there are no leaks in our organization and tear down our enemies.
Business as usual for a Vieri. I fucking love my life.
I pull away from Allegra and grin.
“Ever ridden a jet ski, baby?”
“A few times.”
“Then let’s go.”
“But I have no costume.” She says with disappointment, and I shrug. “So go naked. You’ll have a life vest. What’s the problem?”
“But everyone will see.”
“Your staff.”
“They’re used to it. They won’t care.”
I’m feeling deliciously evil today, so I add, “I insist.”
She visibly gulps and then, to my surprise, says with a shy smile, “Okay, but only if you join me.”
“You’re tellingmewhat to do now?”
I raise my eyes and she giggles. “What can I say? I’m learning from the master. Don’t blame me if being an asshole rubs off on me.”
It makes me smile and so I grab her wrist and tear the towel off, loving the heightened color in her cheeks as I drag her from the bathroom.
We head to the rear of the boat where my toys are kept, and it amuses me that she hides behind my body as I instruct the steward to launch two of my jet skis. It’s unusually calm today and as the sun beats down, I know it’s the perfect conditions for some fun, although the ocean won’t be so warm because it never seems to heat up in the Atlantic.
Once she is wearing the life vest, secured by me because the thought of the steward anywhere near her body is a definite red card and as she sits astride the ski, I gain a delightful view of her pert ass as she launches into the ocean with a delighted squeal.
I waste no time in joining her and as we head off at speed, I am assured of the photographs taken on her phone by my steward that will make it onto Instagram for all her family to see.
By the time the week is up, Allegra’s reputation will be in tatters, her parents humiliated, and her father, Judge Stevenson so incensed he will probably physically boil with rage. Then we will blow his secret out of the water and watch the scandal ruin his life and his reputation, making him no longer suitable to hold the title of a Dark Lord. His son will soon follow when Killian reveals his own skeletons in his cupboard, and we will turn our attention to the next bastard on the list.
As I tear after her, I’m impressed by her skills. She is fast and has obviously done this before and artfully dodges my ski, almost running rings around me. Her infectious giggle travels high on the waves she dominates, and it appears I have underestimated my protected princess.
I finally catch up with her and point to a buoy and as she pulls alongside, I love the flushed excitement on her face and the wet spray clinging to her hair.
“You’re good.” I say, impressed, and she grins.