Page 31 of A Shade of Evil
It’s refreshing, almost as if I have a partner in crime who craves the same things I do.
I wonder how low she will sink. How low she will letmesink, because what I have planned for her is nothing short of evil. I am going easy on her now, but what happens when I crank up the pressure? Will she break then? Do I want her to?
It disturbs me a little and so I shake any compassion I have for her away and say quickly, “Come. We must eat. You have surely worked up an appetite by now.”
“Now you mention it.” She grins and then says with amusement, “I don’t suppose I can trouble you for a robe or something. This nudity thing you’ve got going on is thrilling and all that, but this sun is hot, and I may burn if I’m careful.”
I toss her a robe from the back of the door and grin. “You’ll burn baby. I promise you that.”
All she does is roll her eyes and tear the robe from my hands.
“You really are an asshole, Shade Vieri.”
“What did you call me?” I’m astonished because only my siblings call me that and she giggles as she ties the belt around her.
“I can say what I like because I don’t give a fuck, remember? I’m learning from the master, so take your complaint to him.”
She blows me a kiss and nods at the door.
“Come on then. Feed me, you bastard, because in your own words, we’ve got to eat.”
I walk away without another word because I’m not comfortable with the direction our relationship is going in. Why isn’t she afraid of me?
All the others are. Nobody calls me an asshole, bastard, definitely, but asshole—no, they wouldn’t dare. Then why do I like it that she does? Playing me at my own game and knowing there isn’t much I can do about that. Well, if she wants to believe that, it will be fun to watch the terror build in her eyes when she realizes just how much of an asshole I really am.
* * *
Lunch isa barbeque on the rear of the boat. Steak and skewers of vegetables, all dressed in interesting spices and marinades.
Soft music is playing, and we sit on the edge, eating our food, our legs dangling over the side and as the sun warms my face, I take a deep breath of fresh sea air.
I’ve always loved this boat. I’d live on it if I could, but business always comes first to a Vieri and it’s just lucky I can combine the two this time.
I’m feeling good and, unlike me, I start an actual conversation. “So, tell me about your new position with The Queen. Are you looking for a role in PR?”
I don’t know why I’m interested, but I am.
“It’s something that interests me for sure.” She shrugs as she picks a cube of vegetable off the skewer.
“To be honest, Shade, I’ve never really known what I wanted to do before. Does that shock you?”
“Why should it? Nothing shocks me anymore, baby girl.”
“I guess.”
She giggles and says thoughtfully, “Everything shocks me. I’ve always beenthatgirl. Too scared to step out of line in case I upset my folks. I once smoked a cigarette at a party and fully expected the sirens to go off and the cops to arrive. I was that straight I feared stepping out of line.”
“What would your folks say if they could see you now?”
I laugh softly as she rolls her eyes.
“You can probably guess. You think locking me away for seven days is bad? I would get life imprisonment if they knew of this.”
Thinking of the building messages on her phone, I’m guessing she’s right. When I returned from our excursion, my steward handed me Allegra’s phone and it was lit with messages from her mom, dad and brother to name only three. It appears my little princess is quite the internet star, and I will deal with those messages with a cruel heart later.
I wonder what she would think if she saw them. By the time she does, it will be too late, and the damage will be done.
Do I feel sorry for her? The fuck I do. This is what I do best, so why would I suddenly grow a conscience now?