Page 37 of A Shade of Evil
I’d almost forgotten I had it and as I pull it from my pocket, I toss it into her hand and turn and walk away.
* * *
I head straightto my office and the whiskey bottle. I know I’m being cruel, heartless and all the things I’m associated with, but I’m trying to deal with something unexpected. I don’t like how I’m feeling inside. The sense of loss I’m experiencing. It’s not something I’m used to, so I take a swig and can’t help taking the bottle over to the window.
As I stare at the ground outside, I notice a yellow cab outside my building. The figure is too small to make out, but a flash of green tells me it’s her.
I chuck back some more of the whiskey and lean my head against the glass, watching the cab until it disappears from view. I fucking hate my brother. If he was here now, I would power my fist through his smug face because of how I’m feeling now. Six more days would have been enough to tire of her. To use and abuse her and move onto the next one. It wasn’t enough time and I’m pissed at that. She has gotten off lightly and I’m angry. Surely, that must be the reason for this emptiness inside.
The door opens and Kyle enters.
“Fuck, Shade. What happened?”
I turn and nod toward the tray holding the drinks.
“Grab a glass. We’re celebrating.”
“It doesn’t look like that.”
He does as I say, and I fill his glass, the liquid spilling over the sides onto the wooden floor below.
“I can tell it’s gonna be one of those days.” He sighs and sinks down onto the couch as I chug from the bottle and say roughly, “Killian discovered Jefferson has a burner phone he is either using to threaten Allegra, or he took it from the person who is.”
Kyle sits forward and I snarl, “She’s being placed in a trap. Whoever is doing this must believe it’s business as usual and then, if they make their move, we’ve got them.”
“So, what’s the plan?” he says, ever practical, which I sure need right now.
“Set up eyes on her. Monitor her every move. Become the hunter of the hunter if you like. Discover who is responsible for this and why?”
“Consider it done.”
He stands and yet before he leaves to take care of that, he places his hand on my shoulder and says with concern, “Are you ok?”
I set the bottle down and run my fingers through my hair, before saying with no emotion, “I’m always okay.”
“Are you sure about that?” Kyle knows me too well, so I force a wicked grin and reply, “I’m just pissed I never got to the good part. It’s nothing a fuck with a whore or two won’t cure. Let’s get to business.”
He nods and leaves me to wallow in my own misery and as I retreat to my desk, I try desperately hard to push Allegra Powell out of my mind.
* * *
Two hourslater and it didn’t work. I am still pissed, and the bottle is almost empty. I just can’t make the switch from pleasure to business, so I decide to fuck her out of my mind instead and head downstairs to the lap dancing club I own in the same building as Gyration.
As I push through the door, the stench of alcohol and sex is a welcome home I could sure use. It’s slow today judging from the number of empty seats, which doesn’t improve my mood. Come to think of it, business has been dipping a little lately and my profits are down. Not that it matters, I earn way more than I will ever spend, but I hate seeing that fucking downward graph my accountant waves in my face demanding answers.
I head to the booth I always use when I come here. It’s reserved for VIPs and me.
No sooner have I sat down than Cadence materializes and purrs, “Mr. Vieri, what an honor. Please allow me to get you anything you desire.”
“Bourbon and make it a double.” I snap and lean back, closing my eyes, trying to shift this mood I’m wearing like a bad smell.
It doesn’t take her long, and she’s soon back with the order and as she sets it down, her cleavage dances before my eyes as she whispers, “I’m free for a dance if you’re interested.”
I glance past her to see who else is working because Cadence makes no secret of her desire to be my ‘go to’ girl, and I am definitely not interested in that.
“No. Send Polly over.”