Page 44 of A Shade of Evil
I knock tentatively on the wooden door and when I hear nothing, I inch it open and peer inside.
My eyes scan the room and then my heart almost gives out on me because watching me with a hungry glint in his eye is the man I hate most in the world. Shade Vieri.
I make to slam the door, but an arm reaches out and pulls me inside and I say angrily, “Let go of me.”
I glare at the man who hailed me the cab yesterday, and he shrugs and moves to block my exit.
So, I turn my anger on his boss and say furiously, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Allegra.” He shakes his head slowly, his voice sliding through my body like the most delicious narcotic.
“I am here purely on business to help you in your chosen career.”
“I’m sorry—what?”
I stare around the room, expecting to see Miss Solomon and it soon becomes apparent it’s just us.
He points to the seat opposite him, and I drop down into it with an evil glare in his direction, causing him to smirk.
“You’re angry.”
“Too right I’m fucking angry, you asshole. You have ruined my life.”
“A slight exaggeration, but I accept I pushed things too far.”
He shrugs. “It was fun, though.”
“Fun!” I glare at him. “You trashed my reputation and told my mom to fuck herself. I can’t even speak to her I’m so ashamed.”
He leans forward and stares at me with a dark gleam in his eye. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, princess. If anyone has, it’s your fucking mom, so can the attitude, shut the fuck up and let me help you.”
“I don’t want your help. In fact…” I reach into my purse and pull out the money I have been guarding like a security guard all day, intent on delivering it back to him personally when my day ends here.
I toss it on the table and say angrily, “You can take your freaking money, too. How dare you treat me like a cheap whore!”
The notes on the table stare up defiantly and he says with amusement, “Not so cheap, judging by the stack of bills.”
“Ten thousand dollars and a note telling me it’s to replace the blood money and enjoy. How could you make a joke out of something so, well, evil?”
I am gratified when his smug expression changes into one of concern and his eyes flick to his henchman standing guarding the door, and then he turns his attention back to me. “I never sent this money.”
“But…” I open my mouth, but no words join the but and I close it again and then open it again in shock.
“Have you got the note?” He says with a sudden urgency, and I shake my head. “It’s in the trash, where it belongs.” I add and he stares at the money and says to the man by the door, “Dust it for prints.”
He says to me, “Retrieve the note and give it to me. I repeat, this did not come from me, and the question remains, who sent it?”
I gaze around me in fear because nothing in my life is making sense anymore and I say in a whisper, “Do you think it’s the blackmailer? But why would he pay me when he wants money for his silence? What if it’s someone else? Does the whole fucking world know about this?”
I am creeped out beyond belief but Shade merely shrugs as if it’s of no consequence.
“I’ll deal with it. You have more important things to worry about.”
“What can be more important than this?” I snap, and his swagger returns as he shrugs, leaning back in his seat.
“I have paid for your services. You are to be my personal PR consultant on a campaign for my lap dancing club.” He leans forward and stares at me long and hard. “This is your big shot, Allegra, and you have six days to make it happen.”
“I’m sorry—what?”