Page 83 of A Shade of Evil
Aunt Mary was always the calm voice of reason and I pity her almost as much as I do my father.
“It isn’t a rebellion.” I smile ruefully. “They say you can’t help who you fall in love with. I’m a shining example of that.”
“Along with every woman I know, darling.” She smiles and appears a little sad. “Your mom called. She’s worried about you.”
“Did she tell you why I left?”
I am really interested to hear this, and she nods, a flicker of distaste passing across her face.
“Their secret is out.”
“You know?” I’m stunned, and she nods, leaning back, appearing smaller, more fragile all of a sudden.
“I’ve always known. I just chose not to make a big deal of it.”
“You chose?” My blood boils as I stare at the woman I always admired. Not so much anymore.
“It’s not uncommon.” She shrugs. “Unfortunately, Lucas fell for his brother’s wife. It was most inconvenient and when they asked for his help regarding their parenting issue, he was ecstatic.”
She stares at me with a sad expression in her eye.
“He would have married her. Left me and Jefferson and risked everything.”
I still can’t wrap my head around the fact she knew all the time and it must show because she shrugs. “Darling, you will discover this for yourself one day. When you marry a powerful man, it’s unlikely you will hold his attention for long. They are a certain kind of animal. They must be strong to be successful. It’s not uncommon for men like that to have affairs. They always come back though because their position is worth more than any scandal. If you take things further with your current beau, it’s almost certain he will become bored and toss you aside for the next pretty face pouting in his direction.”
I ignore her words about my own situation and say in disbelief, “I can’t believe you accepted it.”
I shake my head and she smiles as if we are discussing what to order.
“I understand it’s a shock. Your father is most upset, and Lucas will have a hard time bringing him around.”
“A hard time.” I stare at her with so much pain in my heart I almost can’t breathe.
“He has been having an affair with my mother for my entire life and whether you think it’s acceptable or not, I don’t.”
I stand and she says softly, “Sit down, Allegra.”
“No.” I brush a tear from my eye and sob. “You are as responsible for this as they are. What sort of woman allows this to happen? For lives to be ruined just to keep up false pretenses. To play the upstanding members of our community and look down on the rest of us, knowing you are far worse. I despise your way of life, your reasons and you as it happens because even now, you are desperately trying to conceal your secret so you look good. Well fuck you, Aunt Mary, and fuck that man who calls himself my uncle. I will see you in hell before I ever speak to you again.”
I turn to leave, and she stands, quickly grasping my arm with an icy, “You will…” Before she can even finish her sentence, two black-suited guards appear and push her arm away with a threatening, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Never touch her again.”
I don’t stick around to watch her reaction and tear back into the restaurant and head straight to the table of the man I hate most in the world right now. Judge Stevenson.
He stares at me as I approach and makes to speak, and I shout for the entire restaurant to hear.
“Do not say a word, you traitorous bastard!”
“Allegra.” He makes to stand, and I scream, “How could you? Your own brother’s wife. You make me sick, both of you.”
I stare around the restaurant at the shocked faces watching us and I yell, “Here is a man who pretends he’s better than all of us.”
“Allegra!” He yells, but Shade appears by my side and moves between us with a menacing expression that would have any man cowering in his seat.
“Carry on, princess.” Shade says quietly and I shout furiously, “This is the man who sits in judgment on us all and yet is guiltier than most. Well, for your information, he has been having an affair with his brother’s wife for twenty-five years and guess who’s the lucky result of that? Me!”
I turn and stare at him with anger and hiss, “I’m guessing you thought you could bring me in line too. Threaten me perhaps, paint me out as having some kind of episode. I know how it works, well not this time. You’ve made your bed now fucking die in it. You arenotmy father. I have one who is more of a man than you will ever be, and I hope you rot in hell, you bastard. I never want to see you again.”
I turn and walk back to our table, everyone’s eyes trained on the Judge, and I say to Cessy and Kyle. “I’m sorry guys, I really do need to leave. We’ll catch up soon, Cessy.”