Page 93 of A Shade of Evil
“Beats me. Do you think we can dance somewhere?”
“You could try, but I’m guessing we wouldn’t make it out of this booth.”
Cecilia sighs heavily. “This sucks. Not that I mind spending time with my bestie, but we’re all dressed up like whores, with no one to fuck. Fuck my life.”
She takes a drag from the bottle and passes it to me and as we sit waiting, I’m just grateful for some time to catch up with my friend.
They bring Jefferson to my office and as he falls headfirst into the room, I stare at him with disgust as he cowers naked on the floor.
Kyle reaches down and grabs his arm and forces him into the chair before me and holds a gun to his head, causing Jefferson to say fearfully. “What’s going on?”
“You assaulted a member of my staff.” I reply coolly and replay the recording and his eyes widen as he says in disbelief, “You filmed me. Do you record every person that comes here? That’s against the law.”
“And what you did is within the law.” I shake my head. “I wonder what daddy would think about that?”
Jefferson shakes as I sneer. “The trouble is, daddy has a lot more on his mind than dealing with your problems, doesn’t he? Was that your plan all along? Remove the competition. Secure your inheritance and drive your half siblings into madness.”
“I don’t...” I hold up my hand and drop the photograph of Taylor Sutherland on the desk. The one Heather copied from the murder scene.
His eyes widen as I play the recording of him threatening her in the hotel room and I say angrily, “Bit of a coincidence wouldn’t you say? Is that what happened to Taylor?”
He surprises me by laughing out loud and hissing, “Is that all you’ve got? A set up recording and a dead girl’s photograph. Your evidence is as pathetic as you are.”
The door crashes open, causing him to jump, and I love watching the blood drain from his face when he sees who has joined us.
I stand and head around the desk and offer my chair to my grandfather.
Killian and Saint accompany him and, as my grandfather sits down, he removes a cigar from his jacket and taps it on the desk.
I move to stand beside my brother and leave my grandfather to run the show, as he has done my entire life, and he says in his deep husky drawl.
“Jefferson Stevenson.”
He shakes his head as if disappointed.
“I am here to inform you that your membership of the Dark Lords has been terminated.”
Jefferson opens his mouth to speak, and Kyle presses his gun in further, effectively silencing him.
“This is a sad moment in our history.” My grandfather shakes his head.
“A member using his position to act out vicious, sordid murders in the name of our great organization.”
“It wasn’t me.” Jefferson stutters, and my grandfather sighs. “Even now, you are dishonorable. Blaming others when it was you all along.”
He leans back and twirls the cigar between his fingers.
“Mario Bachini.” He says with a dark expression and Jefferson begins to shake with nerves.
“You were his best friend. You idolized him, wanted to please him and be like him.”
He shakes his head and sighs heavily. “You copied him. He let you into his sadistic world and involved you in ritual killings, all in the name of the organization your father was high up in. You thought you were better than him and pledged allegiance to a man who believed he would sit in my seat one day.”
He hisses. “Mario Bachini wasnevergoing to be a Dark Lord. His own father was about to be stripped of the title because, contrary to what you were told, we do not murder anyone on an altar after we allow hooded figures to fuck them.”