Page 108 of Tempt Her
Leave and run like hell.
Desperate to escape, I use what works. Leaning forward, I shift, lowering my dress and exposing more of my cleavage.
It traps his stare right where I want him. He licks his lips and jeers, “I got a letter from your dad’s facility.” His eyes darken, and that look in them used to twist my stomach. Food and love and freedom: I used to relish none of it. But now I do.
So fuck him.
He unzips his Madras pants. “Seems they’re raising their monthly fee.”
I’ve never seen a preppy garment parch a pussy faster than those pants. That and the dumbass bow tie he’s wearing. It’s navy with white stars with the center tied in red stripes. That’s the closest he’s ever come to wearing a uniform or sacrificing for his country because it clashes with his pink button-up.
His preppy fashion used to be such a lady-boner killer, but now I see it for what it is; a wimpy disguise hiding wicked violence.
He almost laughs. “Rates are going up twenty percent next month to keep him there.”
I snap back, “That’s because you passed the bill that lets them hike rates.”
Fuck, that slipped out.
He cocks his narrow chin. “What did you just say?”
Come on. Stay smart.
“I mean… it’s good business for the company that owns the place, but I’m sorry it’s gonna cost you more money.”
He sucks his teeth. “Maybe.” Reaching down, he pulls out his flopping pink dick. “Maybe Iwon’tpay it. Maybe it’s time he rots in that facility in Orangeburg. The one you beg me not to send him to.”
My dad stays right where he is.
I’ll sell our violin so damn fast and have millions for his care.
But I’m waiting… because I have a plan.
If I suddenly come into millions before we divorce, Gentry’s estate can get half of it. His mommy is second in line for his money, so I’d rather wait. My strategy involves years of revenge.
His thin lip curls, sleazy joy gleaming in his beady eyes. “I think you need tobegme.” His dick soars like a little canned sausage. “Give me my tits and beg me to fuck you instead of your dad.”
When you hate someone, your body moves like lead, your muscles weigh twice as much, and your bones shift like stone.
But revenge is stronger. It empowers me to kneel on the rug while he rises.
Instinct has my muscles remembering the performance. I turn my head, not watching while he sashays over in his Sperry loafers. Looming over me like a pink zit I want to pop, he smears his tiny meat over my cleavage.He even smells like a parboiled pig.
“Mommy,” he sighs. “Mommy, beg me to fuck you.” Poking his wee mushroom into the valley between my breasts, this used to make me gag. It used to make me fight back tears. “Mommy loves her baby boy, doesn’t she?”
Fuck that.
I fight back a laugh.
“Gentry, please fuck me.” I swoon to the darkness, looking over my right shoulder. I know Ford’s watching this. He’s getting a front-row for just how perverted and pathetic Gentry is.
But the only person I’m begging is Ford—please don’t be a Dom, now. Just let me finish him.
“Mommy’s such a bitch.” Gentry starts his usual sick diatribe while I can’t help it. “She needs a good dick to fuck it out of her.” I think about his mom. How she’d be disgusted to know he uses her name. I sure hope it’s not her image he sees, too, but I don’t care. As innocent as I think she is to whatever gets him off about this—she’s not innocent of his evil.
He’s been using their rental properties for brutal crimes, and she has to be aware of it.
I’m aware of it now because the Feds told me they’re close. They just need one more piece of evidence; the link that connects everything. I’ve searched through the house. There’s nothing else here.