Page 110 of Tempt Her
That’s psychopathy.
He doesn’t care about Stacey’s pleasure. No, he gets off on her hating it.
Putting someone in a situation where they have no choice but to submit to sexual acts is coercion. It’s not consent. It’s assault.
Mateo and Luke consent to our arrangement. Hell, Luke was my first, and he started it. He brought out the Dom in me.
Yeah, it wasn’t hard. I’m used to giving orders and having rank. Being able to do it while I’m fucking just took it to another level. A hot-as-fuck level.
The first time Luke taunted me with a “yes, sir” before wrapping his smiling lips around my cock?
I was reborn.
Mateo needs it for a heart-breaking reason. Submitting to me lets him heal. He’s safe, calling me “Daddy,” knowing I’ll never hurt him. I’ll take care of him. I’ll protect him while he wrestles the demons in his past thatdidhurt him. Prison stole more than years from him.
And Stacey?
She submits to me like a puppy getting its first treat. Daddy or Dom, it doesn’t matter. She’s too damn excited to receive the reward and not really focused on learning the “who’s in charge” lesson. She hasn’t accepted me as her alpha, and she never will.
Now that’s a woman I can fall in love with.
I kept telling myself, and the three of them, that I couldn’t love another woman.
And that’s a fucking lie.
Hearing Stacey say she’d be honored to marry us. Watching her admire Luke and comfort Mateo, my fucking swollen heart was about to burst.
I know what I feel.
I just can’t say it.
The four of us finally work together, and it’s gonna hurt like hell when Luke leaves. I’m going to need Stacey. And needing her scares the fuck out of me.
I ain’t afraid to admit I need Mateo. We’re bonded for life. And yeah, Luke will leave for months, years, maybe at a time, but he’ll always return to us.
But Stacey’s about to jailbreak from one prison, and I ain’t slinging her back into another one with us.
I get why she doesn’t want to remarry.
“Stupid” is repeating the same mistake twice.
Not that marriage is a mistake. A bad one is.
And until you know who you are, you got no fucking business promising forever to another person.
Stacey has a right to figure out who she is without being some man’s anything.
What will her life look like when she’s no longer taking care of her dad?
Who is she when she doesn’t have to be some asshole’s wife?
Those are answers, the freedom she deserves to get.
The problem is… I know exactly who I am.
I’m a man who’s fallen in love with a woman who’s put up with so many years of abuse, watching her do it again, even with a look of defiance in her eyes; fury fouled my stomach. Holding back my rage made me physically sick. Hearing that man moan “Mommy” while he pathetically titty-fucked Stacey with the smallest dick I’ve ever seen, it took everything I had not to stop him.
I could read her eyes, searching the darkness for mine. She didn’t see me, but she saw my raging heart.