Page 122 of Tempt Her
“Those reporters ain’t gonna leave you alone,” Mateo says. “It’s gonna be months until this dies down. Might as well turn that thing off.”
Reporters swarmed Stacey’s house after Gentry’s arrest. Her friend, Cade Bryant, sent a sheriff’s car to get her out of there and bring her here.
Stacey may always be the woman once married to Senator Gentry Evans, an extreme conservative politician arrested for running a sex-trafficking ring using golf tours on Hilton Head Island.
The story is too shocking to ignore.
But I can’t wait to see who Stacey will be next.
“Well, Cade held a press conference,” she sighs, falling back onto my chest. “She told the media I’m innocent, that I cooperated with the investigation because it could’ve been me next. But I can’t talk to reporters until his trial ends.”
“That’s why you’re staying here,” Ford orders. “I don’t want any of his evil fuckheads going after you. Not until they’re behind bars too.”
Mateo shakes his head. “Did you see the look on his mother’s face when the reporters ambushed her outside the country club?”
“I could almost feel bad for her,” Stacey huffs. “Then I gotta remember she hid the evidence that could’ve stopped him long ago.”
“She’ll be sentenced too.” Mateo should’ve been a lawyer. “And you’re smart not to let him know about us yet, and not to sell that violin until you fast-track your divorce. Since he’s incarcerated, they’ll freeze his assets, but you’ll get itallone day, and we’ll loan you the money until then.”
She groans, “I hate taking money from y’all.”
“You’re not taking it,” Ford answers. “You’re borrowing it with the interest your sexy stubborn ass insists on paying. It’s business. Just stay smart and lay low.”
“Speaking of getting laid,” I chime in.
Ford chuckles. “Mateo’s too mad to fuck tonight.”
“Think again.” Mateo eyes Ford. “You better give your defective heart to Jesus because your ass is mine.”
I laugh. “Now, we’re talking.”
“Well, it’s the Grunt’s last night.” Ford toasts my way. “How do you wanna play it?”
With Stacey on my lap, the tingle in my cock turns to tension. “Oh, I got more than a ring for her tonight.”
“Do tell.” She turns in my arms. “What’s the plan?”
“You said you’re opening a sex shop, so I went to one and did some recon for you. I got an outfit for you and some toys. We’re all gonna do a little role-play tonight.”
Her chin snaps in Ford’s direction. “But you’re not well enough. You just got out of the hospital.”
“I’m fine,” Ford scoffs. “Besides, the best way to die is while fucking.”
“That’s not funny.” She’s cute when she’s mad. “You scared the shit out of me.”
Ford rises. He looks like he’s about to put her over his knee while he strides our way. In his ripped jeans and white T-shirt, he looks buff as hell, not like a man who danced with death days before.
He squats down in front of her and holds her cheek. “I’m sorry that I scared you. Hell, I scared myself. But not because I was dying. We all will one day. I just didn’t want to die without telling you this…” He cups both her cheeks, pulling her lips to his. “I love you, Stacey Noel James, and I’d like to prove it until my last breath.”
Their kiss is sweet; then it’s deep before she pulls back. “I love you too.” She searches his eyes. “Does this mean you’ll stop fighting me?”
We all need to stop fighting this. It feels too right to be wrong.
He grins. “Hell, no, baby. It’ll always be a battle between us, and we’ll always win,”—he nips her plump bottom lip—“every fucking time.”
She reaches for him, pulling him into a fiery kiss that makes her moan which makes my cock jump under her ass as the passion between the four of us floods the room.
“Begin,” Mateo says, watching them.