Page 147 of Tempt Her
“No, I can’t,” Stacey chuckles. “It’s all in good fun. And you’re welcome to buy all the toys, lingerie, and naughty goodies you desire, butmy mencome home with me.”
Fuck, that twitches my cock.
Because it’s true, and it will be until my dying day.
Ford glances at me, and I nod, knowing what we have planned for the end of the night to honor it.
It’s after midnight before the shop is finally clear of guests, and Vale has everything shut down before Stacey tells her to go home and rest. Blair found some hot couple to leave with, so all the horny dust has settled.
Stacey crawls into my lap and sighs, “I’m exhausted.”
“You’re a badass,” Luke says.
“You’re already a legend,” Ford observes.
He sits in the chair beside Luke while we all sip our last whiskey since none of us are driving. Stacey’s bodyguard, Jace, is the DD and will get us home.
“How’s your ankle?” Stacey suddenly worries about Luke. “We need to get you home to ice it.”
Luke grins as guilty as a fox in a henhouse. “It’s fine.” Because we all exchange glances before Stacey squirms at our silence.
“What?” She sits up in my lap. “What’s going on?”
Ford chuckles. “Settle down, baby. We just got a little surprise for you.”
Her eyes narrow. “Whatdidyado?”
I pull at my tie until it’s hanging open around my neck. “I got something to give you.” I start unbuttoning my shirt, and Stacey squirms in my lap.
She teases, “Is it big, or is it small?”
“Oh,” I lull, “it’s always huge for you, baby.”
For the first time since I fell ass-over-elbow for this woman, I’m not talking about my cock. I’m talking about my heart.
“We got a little gift for you yesterday while you were busy.” I yank at my shirt to untuck it so she can open it and see under my pec. “This is mine.” I point to the fresh tattoo under my heart.
It takes her a moment to read it, to let it sink in, her fingertip delicately tracing over the fresh ink.
“No one,” she reads, “breaks us,” and chokes up, “four.”
Her eyes dart up, tears brimming in them. “No one breaks usfour?” She repeats our new mantra before taking my kiss.
“We all did it for you.” Ford’s voice lifts her lips from mine. We look to see he’s unknotted his tie and opened his shirt, too, showing off his matching ink.
Stacey stares at Ford’s updated tattoo while Luke did the same, unbuttoning his shirt to point to his fresh ink. “I added a pink heart on the end of mine.” Luke winks, and he ain’t lying. “Because I’m a badass motherfucker like that.”
“Fine, fucker,” I joke. “I’m adding a butterfly to mine.”
“I’ll be adding a heart transplant scar to mine.” Ford adds with a snarky grin, “I hope,” and Stacey jumps from my lap and crawls into his.
I love it. She’s going to help him so much if he gets the surgery he needs. It’s like Luke keeps Ford strong, and I heal him while Stacey nurtures him into more of a man than he ever believed he could be.
“I love you.” Stacey kisses his cheek. “I love all of you guys, and I can’t believe you did this for me.”
“Believe it, baby.” Ford nuzzles into her cheek. “And if you want, I can call the artist right now. She’s open until three, so you can match us forever.”