Page 161 of Tempt Her
Phyllis narrows her eyes. “You look as tacky as fly paper.”
“And you call an alligator a lizard.” I drop my smile. “More like you lie and call your convicted rapist of a son innocent.” I plop into the empty chair beside her. The bounce of my jeweled tits traps her horrified stare. “But I’ve had enough of him. Let’s focus on you, Phyllis. You gaveallyour attention to that hemorrhoid of a child you shit out, and it’s not fair. You deserve some attention too.”
Luke stands behind me, and my guards flank him.
You can hear a pin drop as the club members hold their breath. I make sure all can hear me as I smile at her guests and lean in to dish the gossip.
“Did y’all know that Phyllis hereknewabout the heinous crimes her son was hiding?” Playfully, I swat the man’s shoulder beside me. “Why, she sure did! Her name was the only other one on Senator Gentry Evans’s accounts. Now, I, her ‘dumb blonde beauty queen of a daughter-in-law’ as she so affectionately liked to call me,hadnothing andknewnothing. She and the senator made sure of it. They keptallthat criminal Evans knowledge and money to themselves.”
I wink at her. “But bless your frozen heart, Phyllis. I’ll help you now. Tomorrow, a judge is awarding me the Evans estate.”
Shock registers in her eyes, though the rest of her face can’t move.
“Oh, you didn’t hear?” I remember all the times she handed me an “allowance.” Sometimes Gentry had her give me a hundred-dollar bill every Sunday. She had such glee in her eyes, acting like she owned me too. “Honey,” I coo, “while you’ve been busy having brunch, I’ve been busy with my lawyers.”
“You can’t do that,” she jeers. “It’sourmoney.”
“Oh, but I did. I’m the only innocent party to the estate. But don’t worry. I’m not keeping your money. I’m donating it to every progressive cause you hate, so you can put your uppity nose down before you drown in a rainstorm.”
I pluck a grape off her plate and pop it over my smiling lips. “And the last twenty dollars of the Evans’s fortune? I’ll spend it on a diamond butt plug I’ve been dying to play with, so you don’t have to trouble your little, back-combed head of hair over one penny, okay?”
She seethes, “You’re a shameless, foul slut.”
My hand flexes over my cleavage. “Why, Phyllis?Nowyou compliment me? Where was all this praise before I divorced your satanic spawn?” I reach into my shiny black Delta’s bag. “Let me return your kindness. You’re about to spend a decade behind bars, so before you do, you deserve a proper send-off.”
Not a mouth speaks while eyes shock open as I pull out a giant purple vibrator and wave it under her cakey nose.
“Now, Phyllis, I know you’re meaner than a wet panther because you don’t let your kitty play, so this is a Rabbit andgirrrlll… it’ll make your kitty hop. Watch.” I press buttons. The buzz of the vibrator fills the room, making her pupils explode. “Looky here. It even thrusts and spins.” I swat her hand, chuckling. “I mean, if you can’t have threerealcocks fucking you and making you come every day like I do now… don’t be jealous… this Peter Rabbit will keep you coming too. And I promise you’ll stop being such a hateful, uptight snob once you do.”
Red rage flames up her cheeks while the toy hums like a loud symphony across the room.
I wave the whirring purple dick in the air like a pageant queen to everyone. That’s my signal as Ford and Mateo lead Vale and her crew into the dining room.
Standing up, I address the crowd while my sexy minions scurry across the room, wearing the cutest, dirtiest outfits and smiles.
“Now, don’t y’all worry,” I tell everyone. Using my stage voice, I don’t judge them like they used to judge me. “Everyone’s getting toys to take home too. Just think of me as your Oprah of orgasms.”
I point to a woman wearing a golf dress. “You get an orgasm.” And a woman in a tennis shirt. “And you get an orgasm.” And an older woman who’s smiling at me.Mrs. Jenkins. I always liked her.“And youdefinitelyget an orgasm, gorgeous.”
Gift bags descend upon every table while Ford and Mateo block the door. I don’t know what Ford’s saying to the security guard, but the guard’s clearly outmatched and about to piss his pants.
“Now, everybody,” I call out as gasps and chuckles fill the air when giant dildos appear in hands across the room. “Let’s all support Phyllis Evans before she goes to jail soon. She’s guilty of aiding and abetting her son’s crimes, so show her some solidarity and take your gifts home to play with tonight. Think of Phyllis finally getting what she deserves while you come.”
She grabs my arm, trying to make me sit down. “You’re nothing but White trash.”
I turn and smile down at her. “Well, I’m White trash with all your millions and mine now.” I laugh. “I got freedom and fucks for decades to come, butyoudon’t.”
She squeezes my arm so tight, it doesn’t hurt. “I’m innocent,” she sneers. “You’re the whore who ruined him. My boy was fine before you. I took good care of him.”
“Yousuredid. You chose one evil man over a bunch of innocent women.” I lean down, inches from her glaring face. “And a wise woman once said, ‘There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.’” I grin. “So burn, Phyllis, burn. Maybe hell will finally melt your frozen soul.”
“Youcan go to hell, too.”
“Thank you for the invitation, but I live in heaven with three men now. And Ihelpother women. Look,”—I gesture to the women in the room; half are laughing with dildos in their grasp. “I even help them come.”
She jerks my arm. “You’re not getting a penny of our money.”
I rip her cold hand off me, letting the rage lick through my veins for just a moment. “I don’t want your blood money. You knew what he was doing. You knew he was hurting innocent people. And you thought I was a dumb blonde beauty queen bitch who’d never figure it out.”