Page 174 of All For You Duet
Two weeks later, Jameson put in his resignation.
Yep, I send every man off this island somehow.
Scarlett got Jameson a job working for HGR Security. They’re just friends now. “Not meant to happen,” as she put it.
Lately, when I talk to Jameson, he sounds good. Flying in a private jet to exotic places, he’s the private detail to a rare bird—a woman billionaire. The last time he called, he sounded happy. Too happy. Uh-huh—I grin—I know the sound in his voice. Jameson’s in love.
So is that couple. Those teenagers playing in the waves. They’re cute.
She’s got her arms wrapped around his neck, protesting as he carries her and wades in thigh-deep. He’s laughing and gazing back at her because she’s loving it.
I used to.
Redix did the same with me, picking me up and wading into the surf while I giggled into his shoulder. Until one time, it wasn’t so funny.
He plunged us under, and a rip of a wave took my bikini top with it. I dropped my shoulders under the water while we tried to find it. We couldn’t, though.
“This is what you get for dragging me out here.” I wasn’t amused.
“Damn, right.” He was thrilled. “I’d drown to see your gorgeous tits.”
“Redix! I’m serious!”
He tossed his long wet strands back and laughed. “I am too!” Putting his back to the shore, he shielded me from eyes aimed my way. “Come on. Lemme see them.”
I couldn’t resist him then or ever. I stood up, cool water and the breeze teasing my flesh.
“Goddamn, darlin’.” He couldn’t take his eyes off my nipples rising for his stare. “Can I have them for my birthday?”
“Maybe.” I ducked back under, suddenly shy by a wave of lust. “Get me out of this damn ocean first.”
“I’ll take care of you, Candy Cade.”
He confused me at first, reaching to untie his swim trunks and yanking them off underwater.
“What are you doing?” I tried peeking. Even then, I wanted him so much.
“I’m gonna save you.” Picking me up, he wrapped my legs around his waist, and we paused, that position making my pussy tingle while he kissed me, promising, “They’ll all look at me now and not you.”
Hell, yes, they looked at him.
Squeals, oohs, and nervous laughs took the beach while Redix Dean strode out naked from the waves. I buried my blushed face in his neck while he carried me and his swim trunks in his hands.
“How y’all doin’?” he asked their wide eyes while he walked toward our towels yards up the beach.
The saltwater dripping from his nude warm skin; I was safe. My body held in his strong arms; I was home.
He glanced down at three women on the beach, holding full wine glasses and smiling. “Enjoyin’ the big show, ladies?”
Because he was then and still is now. The most beautiful, big, and wild heart. My most beautiful best friend.
I still miss him. And the tears still come.
There’s a painful ache you get when you miss someone. It hurts like a bruise on your soul, and time presses down on it. You don’t want to breathe. You don’t want to move. You don’t want to do anything but feel the pain because it’s all you have left.
And powerful memories.
I heard he’s out of rehab. And he emerged looking healthy… and peaceful.