Page 215 of All For You Duet
His eyes snap up. “What?”
“This is torture for you, isn’t it?”
“No.” A smile lifts his face. “It’s fun. I want kids one day.”
Why that flutters my heart? It’s that same fear again.
Are we getting too close? Are we going too fast?
I haven’t fucked Silas. Or kissed him. So why do I know fate is pulling me down that road?
“Then what’s on your mind because it’s not toys and kids?”
“Shit, I’m sorry.” He grabs a box off the shelf. “Let’s get the music bus and then a cup of coffee. We need to talk.”
That sentence is a mouse trap ready to snap. “Okay.” But he’s so good to me, I hold my tongue.
The amount of people in this toy store days before Christmas is a holiday hell. Weaving through the crowd, we make it to the long lines at the registers. While we wait, my right cheek tingles, so I glance that way. Redix is two lines over. He’s hiding under a baseball cap with a cart full of toys in front of him, but I’d spot him in a blinding blizzard.
He’s looking at his phone, but I know he saw me, and my breakfast suddenly soars in my stomach. My feet want to bolt, but I’m stuck. In a toy store. With another man. And why do I feel right and wrong at the same time?
“You alright?” Silas spots him, too.
Lying sucks ass.
We get through the line with our purchase, out the door, and into the parking lot before I hear the last thing I want to.
Fuck you, fate. You’re a piece of shit that won’t stop stinking.
I turn around. Redix is feet away with bags in his cart and eyes on me. “I need to talk to you.”
Silas takes the bag from my hand. “I’ll leave y’all to it,” he says, jumping into the passenger seat of the Land Rover Redix bought me.
This is as awkward as Santa porn.
“Redix, this isn’t a good time.”
I don’t have the heart for this. It’s too vulnerable and feeling too torn between these men.
“It’s not about us.” His voice is low. “It’s about Renie and Nicolas.”
“What’s wrong?”
That changes my mood instantly. They’re like family to me too.
Redix steps closer, so close I can smell his BOUND cologne, and my heart wants to scream at the torture, “I can’t take this!”
“Renie told me last night who Nicolas’s dad is.”
Why does that put fury in his deep voice?