Page 219 of All For You Duet
“She sounds badass.”
“She was, but she passed away five years ago.”
Cade’s quiet, and I finish my drink. It’s a lot to dump on her, but I feel better. I’ve been wanting to tell her for a long time.
Now… I have to… because there’s more to it.
“Why now?” She’s reading my mind. The woman’s a born detective. “Why did this come up now and not last year when we started hanging out?”
Fuck. Here we go. I’m about to shoot my foot off when all I want to do is walk toward this woman.
“Because I met Redix at the party.”
Her eyes get wide, and my pulse jumps.
“Because I won’t lie to you, Cade. I’m attracted to him. I haven’t felt that way toward another man since Alec, but Redix confronted me about you at the party. And I felt like a dickhead because he was protecting you and telling me not to hurt you, and I know he meant it. But the whole time, I was like, holy shit, I’m attracted to this man. Like really hard.”
She’s gonna hate me.
She’s gonna get jealous.
It’s a betrayal of whatever we are, and she’s gonna tell me to get out of the car and never talk to me again.
I don’t blame her.
“Everyone’s attracted to Redix.” She smiles. “I’m used to it. You’re not feeling anything wrong.”
“Thank God.” I huff.
Damn, that’s been bothering me. And damn, she needs to stop being so fucking incredible.
“I don’t want to be with him, Cade. I’m just attracted to him and feel guilty about it.”
“No need.” She takes the last suck of her drink. “He doesn’t want to be with me either, so there’s no guilt.”
“He does want to be with you.”
“He hates me.”
Why won’t she tell me what happened between them? Here’s her chance, but she turns to stone. Like nothing can crack her. Not even me sharing everything with her.
“He doesn’t hate you, and I won’t stand in y’all’s way.”
“Silas, Redix and I are done, and I’m making peace with it. But I’ve loved him for so long it won’t happen overnight, but it’s for the best. I need to let him go.”
Silence fills her car, and it’s heavier than the new smell of it. This is a crossroads, and we know we’re at it. But I’m not like most men.
“Look, whatever happens between us,” I tell her, “you’re free. You don’t belong to me. Or to him. I don’t believe in that shit. Acting like you own someone because you love them. Love is the opposite to me. It’s trust and freedom, and I’m starting to love you.”
Her chin drops with her eyes, but I’m not afraid of this.
“You can be with me, Cade, and you can be with him. You can be whatever you want. Not like it’s my permission to give. It’s just what I believe. I don’t know what’s troubling you, but I feel it in my heart. You gotta be free to let it go.”
She starts sobbing, and I can’t stand her pain. I reach across the car and pull her into my arms.
Her tears wet my T-shirt while she mutters into my chest, “I’m starting to love you too, and I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me.” Her hair smells like lavender. “Let me show you; the heart is big enough to love lots of people. Even if we can’t be with them.” I kiss her silky strands. “Trust me. I know.”